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Everything posted by Feark

  1. Wow, that look really tough, and I thought my helmet (FX one) was really complicated to put together. Anyway, I'm sure you will assembly it good, just be patient. Good luck !
  2. Hey all! My first post here! Just wanted to share so thought about my armor I recently have started to work on. I bought it in January 2008 in hope to get it quick done. However, now in August 2009 I started to assembly the armor. Over all this month the armor have just been a burden, just lying in a box, or in a pile of junk on the floor. Mostly I haven't really had the time to sit down and start with it (ofcourse, it is was you prioritize to do on your time, so that is no excuse) but did alot of background research; asking in forum, and looking for information and advice and all that stuff. But the problem was I never started to assembly the armor. I was scare to do something wrong and everything would have been ruined. In July 2009 I decided to sell the armor and putted an ad on a internet forum. But only days later I realized what I was doing and took the ad down. That triggered me to do something. Next month in August (yep, this month!) I started to put the armor together, piece by piece using velcro, to be able to get the feeling wearing the armor, and a perspective seeing myself in it. Later I started to use glue and ended with the helmet (which was a really pain in the a**). The result right now is what my avatar is displaying. Still have alot if things to fix and adjust, but it have gave me energy to continue upgrade it. I have also understand the armor is a never ending process. Things can be upgraded or adjusted as long you are not become terminated as a stormtrooper. So my advice for people that is in same position I was is to start smooth and not doing to advance things. I suggest put armor piece together with velcro because it can be removed and adjusted (no harm for the armor). I would also suggest not to listen to all advice, especially on internet because they can be really complicated and theoretical. Reflect upon them but learn by yourself by doing it practical. And most important, trust your feelings! Greetings from SWEden
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