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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by DesTROYer

  1. :) As I read the response from all I feel the need to reply. First I do like some of the markings on armour. I don't like too much, but some is very cool to me. Why :huh: It's because of two reasons. First it's the way to display rank. At a glance you can see large formations of troops on the move in the field and tell who is the Sgt or LT or Commander rank. The next and more important thing is it's based on the tradition of elite troops or warriors painting their heraldry on their shields,armour, and even them selfs. It could represent their family "house" or their 'King" or "God/Gods", or county. It also served to scare the crap out of your enemies :P It is a fact that if you put any one in a room with a lot of bold red trimmings they get agitated more easily. With the troopers, their history is based on the "Star Wars" universe fact the the best warriors where Mandolorians. So when the then "nice" Palpatien, leader of the then Republic had the first army made, (we all know he did from the start) he needed the best, so "Mando" troops where created. Thats why it could be seen as "betrayal" by the 501st, if they don't let some paint their kit. I myself have my eye on a snazy new "Kamma" :) (as befitting my real military rank) :P



    Making your officers and elite troops stand out from the crowd only does one thing, Identify the high profile targets for the snipers.

  2. Yes a Rom FX runs on both 9 and 12volts



    Ok take two of the battery clips and join the red from one to the black from the next. That daisy chains that set in series. Take the third battery clip and solder the red from it on to the red from the joined two and the black end to the black of that set too. The first two that you soldered together red to black, go on the batter packs, the third onto your RomFX.


    DO NOT clip in two 9volt batteries onto this set up, that will give you 18volts and blow up your voice amp.




  3. If you dirty up and modify your TK armor to TD, you can no longer keep the TK designation either, unless you can easily change back and forth. TK = clean, TD = Dirty Dirty TK's are not TK's or TD's until the ab and sniper plates are put on, Pouldren and Pack are donned and BFG acquired.

  4. OK, Im confused. We can't post Armor makers names in threads so they dont get in trouble. Instead we type in acronyms. Then you start a list in the open forum area so any one who wants to find out who say MC or AP is can look and go "oh look its Authentic Props, lets go sue there an impolite person" I am under no illusionment that Lucasfilm does not already know who AP is anyway, so its a moot point anyway, but still... Do you understand what I mean?

  5. I kept my Rickenbacker, but sold my old gigging Amp. It was a 4x10 combo with a 1x15 bin and it was going to waste sitting in a corner. I still have my Practice amp too, so it wasn't a total loss. The Rick will be mine forever.

  6. I'll ask some of my drummer pals if anyone's looking for a Pearl kit.


    Makes me miss my DCI days. I used to march with a Pearl snare. Loved it.

    I could never get the hang of the whole drumset, though. I just don't have the limb independence.

    How drumset guys are able to split their mind up to coordinate their hands and their feet just astonishes me.


    Yeah, but get them to knock on a door... They are never in time. lol


    Seriously, you are not the first to sell your musical instruments for armor. I sold my Bass Rig for my first set of TB armor.

  7. 1 Gray Officer cap with greeble 40.00 shipped! Size 58 metric

    Another thing I do not where and or even bothered to put on the greeble, so who ever wants it, its theirs



    I will take the officers cap if it was not made by StarFortress. PM sent for paypal and shipping details.

  8. OK, I have been both Slack and busy the last couple of months and the TK did kind of take a back seat for a while to getting Snowie finished, The Tusken Started and almost finished and a new job which drained a lot of my time and energy. But I am happy to say, that progress has been made.




    He's not finished yet, not by far, I still have to finish the legs, and seal up those Joints on the arm. I know they are not supposed to be that wide and that the strip is supposed to be on the outside not the inside, but i was assembling this to fit both me and the mannequin and with my Bulk I needed a little more room. Since then I have decided to make this purely a display piece as it is never going to fit me well enough... ever. I am waiting on some new hands for my mannequin to arrive and need to find some pants for the strapping Lad, but besides that, everything is going to plan.


    BTW thats a RT mod helmet, the AP helmet that came with he armor is now weathered and dirty on my display case.

  9. Lol, yeah i got a bit carried away and thought it had to fit inside the square box on the AB section! .... kept taking more and more off to try and get it to fit before i looked at the pics again and realised it is meant to fit over the top .... what a plum! :blink:


    Just gonna square up the edges on the ones i got from you and should be good to go! .... and your belt fixing covers are much more accurate than the AP ones ;)


    I did exactly the same thing today. I think there are enough Plumbs here to fill a punnet if we look hard enough.

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