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Posts posted by TK-4261

  1. These were super fun to build and both our Daughters were real troopers, cause they stayed in them for a while and were sweatin up a storm but they really liked the attention :)


    Here are a few pics I got B)





  2. Devcon plastic welder is great but be aware that after a year or two it will tend to yellow. Make sure none is visible on your armor.



    True, I noticed it turning yellow on the inside spillage in my armor, luckily I taped it off good on the outside when I glued ;) But that stuff does bond nice!


    I didn't realize how many people use E6000 for exclusively putting armor together. :) Guess it would work really well cause if you ever have to modd your armor you will be able to take it apart....I am definitely going to try this on my next set of armor :D

  3. Hey Troops!

    A few of us from the So Cal Garrison went down to Buttercup Valley Dunes where they filmed and blew up Jabba"s Sail Barge scene this past Sat. It was so cool to be there and I didn't even know it was only 3 & 1 1/2 hours away from me. We got there around 8am and suited up to take pics before it got to hot. Then we went to the site where they blew up the sail barge. There are still pieces of the barge and the Sarlac pit all over. I found a few small pieces of wood from the front of the barge and it still had some of the metallic paint on it. and found quite a few pieces of foam from the Sarlac pit. It was a great experience.


    Here are some photos and the begining of my Heavy Weapons Trooper (still need backpack and ammo pouches) One guy felt a little out of place :D



  4. Is that an omni-directional mic? We have something similar here in the states at Radio Shack, but it's an omni, and I'm not sure how well that'll work.



    Thats a great set up!


    I looked those mics up and they are omni-directional and they are cased very well.

    They only cost $5 so I ordered a couple. I'll try anything to get rid of feedback.

    I have the powered radioshack mic and a skullworx kit with Stompers Hovi's and speakers and I get alot of feedback with the radioshack mic.


    Curtis :D

  5. Hey Troops,

    I attended Free Comic Book Day here in Rancho Cucamonga California and it was a Great event! The of the store(4 Color Fantasies) Chris was donating alot of his revenue that day to help get more school supplies for local students. the event was from 11am-4pm and during that time 950 people showed up. Amazing turnout and it did raise alot of $$$$. It was a nice day to, a little warm 85 degrees. They gave out free Hotdogs to all the guests and about 8 free comics. Great day to be a Trooper!


    Enjoy the pics,

    Curtis :D


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