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x r i s

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Everything posted by x r i s

  1. Sweet three-toed sloth of ice planet Hoth! Getting those lid ears mounted was a royal pain. The rest should be easy, right?

  2. Thanks to SWCIV, motivation to complete armor is currently at 100%.

  3. Quick update and some questions: While the E6000 was easier to work with, it was certainly not nearly as strong as the cement. I'd like to use the cement one some of the more critical joins like the seams, but the lack of flex has me a little wary of it cracking. Maybe I'll do cement on the inner shims (where it would be possible to sand it should I need to), and E6000 on the outer shims (as so it won't mar the outside). More detailed trimming is required before gluing still, and that's where I have some questions. What is ESB screen accurate in regards to return edges? TK9512's lovely arm. Green - return edge; red - no return edge? As far as I can tell, the forearms have no returns, the biceps have returns, and the shoulders have a return on the bottom edge. Am I even close? (I'll worry about the rest later.) Also, is the O2 can gloss or satin grey?
  4. Already have some magnets, and the pinched fingers and blood blisters to prove it. Those things show no mercy. Got mine from CMS Magnetics, if anyone else might be looking for some.
  5. Thanks, guys. Good eye there, AC, but not quite right. The gray one is a 08 SV650S, but mine (the white and black one on the left) is an 07 Hyosung GT650. Long explanation short: it's a Korean SV clone. The SVs are great to start out on and yet hard to really "outgrow". The one in the middle is a 87 LS650 Savage. One giant cylinder that just goes plPOP plPOP plPOP plPOP. I'm not very fond of that one. If I could wear my armor while riding but without killing myself, I so would. Quick update on my glue test, too. The E6000 is so much easier to manage than that cement. I think I'll just stick with it (heh heh). Still need to do some trimming and test fitting before I get around to actually gluing anything, though.
  6. ...And here we go! My AP kit showed up last week. (That smiley doesn't do the actual grin on my face any justice.) Like several others, I'd like to keep a thread of progress reports, photos, and questions (with answers, hopefully) as I go along. This is my first build and a momentous occasion; of course I'd want to share it with others! I think most of it is there. All looks good to me. As for what I'm going to do with it -- might end up a HWT, but the goal for now is make an ESB trooper and apply to the 501st with it. I'd also like to go for a more ideal suit than a "I-just-walked-off-the-set" suit. This is where I will be spending every one of my evenings for the next few months. Also, guess which bike is mine So far, I've not done much more than trim the shins and arms. I want to test this cement stuff before I do any gluing. Otherwise, it's just gunna be lots o' good ol' E6k. Don't sniff this. I've already started on collecting bits and pieces for the soft parts. TK boots I got in August UnderArmor top and bottom (also good on cooler rides) canvas for the belt started making a neckseal (I'll post pics of my poor first attempt when I find it) some snaps, straps, clips, and velcro, but probably not near enough ESB handplates are on the way Some of the things I still need/want: holster (still not sure if I'm going to make mine or not) blaster (no clue on this either) gloves helmet accessories I have access to pretty much all the tools I think I'll need, and with all the lurking on here I've done over the last year, it all should be straightforward and smooth sailing from here, right? (knock on wood, cross fingers, where's my lucky ewok foot)
  7. Let me see if I got this right. When you ask what style he's going for, it's becasue: ANH Stunt/Hero -- All hand painted details ESB/ROTJ -- Traps and stripes decals, rest hand painted
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