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  1. It's ben lovely weather here in the UK: the first nice weather all year. I got out into the shed and Did Stuff. Today I mostly screwed together the Kidney Plate, Belt and Thermal Detonator bracket. I'm going for the newer design modelled by this wooden fellow at Celebration 2022: As you can see, the Kidney plate goes over the outside of the belt, with the Thermal Detonator bracket on top. I guess it's theoretically more secure than the design used in Rogue One, where the kidney plate and belt were always in danger of parting company. However it has it's own problems, as seen on the trooper in the middle of this frame, whose kidney plate has come detached on one side, taking their belt and thermal detonator with it. To counter the possibility of that happening to me, I'm using magnets and brackets AND velcro to hold the kidney plate to the abdomen plate. It won't be going anywhere! I bolted everything together with cabinet bolts, something like these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Connecting-Connectors-Kitchen-Furniture-Connecters/dp/B09CQ5R54W They turned out to be a bit too long, and I had to dremel about 6mm off the screw and the barrel. If I could have found ones with a 25mm long barrel, they would have been perfect. For an added flourish, I "attached" the detonator with two pairs of strong earth magnets. Tonight's WIP gallery: Thermal Detonator: With magnets: Bracket: With magnets: Assembled: Ready to throw at some rebels:
  2. Thank you for the picture, that's very clear and looks easy enough :-). I had thought it was more complicated than that... the pictures of the actual film costumes seem to show a 4-inch wide white canvas or fabric belt under the hard outer belt, possibly with velcro on it: and the butt plate laid over the top. There's detailed photos and explanations on this forum regarding the thigh straps, the shoulder straps, the abdominal suspenders etc... I figured I might have missed a similar detailed breakdown of the belt area! In other news, these goodies arrived yesterday from @mr paul - lenses for the Nico helmet, the correct frown mesh, and metal plates & elasic for the shoulder bells.
  3. The fourth is no longer with us... today is revenge of the sixth! Thank you for the kind word Glen. I forgot to mention how much I used the gallery The Celebration 2022 gallery was especially useful - I gleaned a lot of detailed information about the construction of the armour from that single gallery. it heped me to figure out that I needed to make my own shoulder straps, for instance, with exactly 13 large and slightly rounded segments. Also the pictures of the extras resting at Canary Wharf station from Rogue One helped me to see how the armour fitted on actual people (as opposed to the manikin used in the Celebration pictures). Using this I was able to scale the shin and leg pieces properly for my body. Some of the screenshots were useful for getting a good unobstructed view of the side or the back of the stormtroopers: the Alain Rivard armour is missing the raised area on the buttplate, and these photos helped me to size it properly. Talking of which: one thing I haven't quite figured out yet is how to attach the codpiece and the buttplate. Does anyone have any advice for doing this step on Rogue One armour?
  4. Happy Star Wars Day everyone! This seems like a good day to start posting about my little project. I am making a set of 3D printed Rogue One Stormtrooper armour. Once it's ready I hope to join the 501st UK garrison. I've studied every thread on this forum on the subject of 3D printing and R1TK armour (including all thirty pages of discussion on the CRL). This ain't my first rodeo: during lockdown I sculpted, moulded, cast and painted a full-size wearable Boba Fett helmet: Work In Progress Boba Fett helmet gallery Fnished Boba Fett helmet The next year I did a Mando helmet: Mando WIP Mando Final Last year I 3D printed a Rogue One Stormtrooper helmet from Nico Henderson's files: I enjoyed that project so much that I just decided to keep on going, so here we are! After looking at lots of files on CGTrader and other sites, I settled on a set of files by Alain Rivard. These looked more accurate than the Akira Yuming files which everyone uses. Turns out, they are but they have their own problems which I may get into later. To supplement these files I also used tk421jag's Thermal Detonator from Thingiverse Plus the sniper knee from the Akira-Yuming set as it is much better than the Alain Rivard piece. Also, Big Jasoni's Belt boxes: I also plan to print out the excellent Hovi-Mix parts from chrioboy: Finally, I obtained the updated Nico helmet files from TKModder421 and printed a second helmet: Since the start of February, I have 1) Printed out all the pieces 2) Filled, sanded and primed the abdominal section. I have a long way to go, and I expect this project to keep me busy for the rest of the year! Unfortunately it's been raining Loth-cats and banthas here in the UK recently, which has slowed me down a bit: it's hard to work up enthuiasm for shed time when it's as wet and muddy as Mimban outside. However, today was nice and sunny, so I got some photos. Everything: Abdomen piece (nearly finished!) Helmet: Chest and Back: Belts and Butts: Arms: Legs (big pieces): Legs (small pieces): More to follow!
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