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Everything posted by lockedup

  1. Finally getting around to selling this. Is it OK to put a link in this thread to my AD?
  2. Could be. ...I think I read someplace that the TE guy was named Jay though. There is a second bit of writing that says "To Noah" so it's not the buyers name! lol
  3. Been a while and we never found the replacement vent tip but now my daughter says she has lost interest in it. So she'd like to list it for sale to put towards some car repairs. Can anyone give me a ballpark value on the helmet as is? It still looks exactly like it did in the previous photos.
  4. From what I have figured out this is a "TE" helmet made in 2005 .... not sure what the "Jay" part is about? So it doesn't matter if I use some other manufacturers vents? I didn't want to change them out if it's possible for me to locate an individual one that is close. -This is going on my daughters shelf and she isn't a serious collector but I would like them to match or be close.
  5. Hi, This afternoon, one of my neighbors gave me a stormtrooper helmet that I know nothing about. So, I want to know if I can get some help identifying it. It is missing one of the little vents on the front and I'd like to find one. Would the "Hard Armor - General Discussion" be an OK place for me to post pictures of it? Thanks!
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