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Status Replies posted by JavierPerero

  1. I'd like to take a couple minutes to do a

    PSA about Mental Health


    It's easy to assume that everyone's life is the model of perfection when you only get to see what small snippets of it that they post online or disclose to you in conversation.

    It's easy to assume that everyone is out there leading a happy life with no strife - or that things just roll off their backs like water to a duck.


    But that really isn't the case.

    We've all got struggles. We've all got really hard things to deal with.

    Life isn't easy. Sometimes just being alive is a struggle.


    When it comes to mental illness, there are many faces and many variations therein.

    I am someone who struggles with depression. My variation seems to be flared up by stress and can cause a total lack of interest in the things I used to love. It can bring my whole world to a screeching halt. It can make even the simplest tasks difficult to push through, let alone getting out of bed to face another day.

    But the way it is one day is not the way it is every day. I have seen happy days and I will see them again. I have faced difficult times and made it through them, maybe a little worse for the wear, but with new experiences and perspectives on life.


    It helps me to think of the flare-ups as growing pains and not just unwarranted anguish and suffering.

    When I find myself in a low spot I encourage myself to take the time for self-reflection. Treat the flare-up as a symptom of some other issue; my body is telling me, "something is wrong". What is making me unhappy? What am I dissatisfied with? What do I need? What am I missing? What would help me out right now, in this moment?


    What often works the best is: if someone I cared about felt like this, what would I say to them? What would I do for them? How could I take care of them and lift some of the burden to make things easier?


    This is just something that I have to deal with on my trip through this life.



    So for those troopers that are also suffering or close to someone who struggles, you are not alone.

    Take the time to stop being caught up in the flow of life, put away the distractions, and check in with yourself.

    It might feel like the world is kicking your an impolite person, but hang in there. You will come out on top if you keep persevering. Just take it one week, one day, one hour at a time when you need to.

    Work on self-care. Show some self-compassion. And do your research - the more you know, the better chance you have of dealing with the things that life throws at you.


    And openly consider talking with a mental health counsellor if you aren't already.


    Additional PSA about Counselling

    I am a strong advocate for counselling.

    Don't be afraid of reaching out for help. Don't let the negative stigmas surrounding mental illness stop you from doing what is right for you.


    Seeking professional help IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.

    Most people keep their feelings bottled up inside and it takes an immense amount of COURAGE to open up and be vulnerable to another human being. Just ask Brené Brown.

    (Lots of great content from her. If you haven't looked into her stuff yet, seriously check it out. She covers a lot of deep topics but does so with lots of humor interspersed, so it's rather a joy to watch on top of being very informative.)


    Counselling is also not just for those that feel that they are at the end of their rope.


    Counsellors can help you out if you are feeling stuck in life, are struggling with a specific issue and need guidance, or just feel like you need to talk to someone when you don't feel like you can talk to anyone else. They can help give you coping tools and strategies, provide insight into certain unhealthy behaviours and patterns and advise on how to avoid them in future, and promote healthy lifestyle habits that support growth and reduce flare-ups.


    And you don't need to feel bad about "weighing someone else down". They are literally being paid to listen to you and help you out. It's their job. And most professionals get a deep sense of gratification from being able to help people out, no matter how hard the situation.


    One caveat is that not all counsellors are the same. Some specialize in different areas that don't apply to you, some have personal views that conflict with your own, some are just bad at their job (they're human too!) - so you may need to do a little "shopping around" to find one that you feel that you connect with and can trust.


    Reaching out can be a difficult step and trying to find a counsellor in the first place can be a daunting task. In these days, internet searches are very much your friend. I found my current counsellor through the Psychology Today website and was able to request an appointment via email, but there are many online resources.


    Additionally, many companies are partnered with an Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, which can be used by the employee or even friends and family (you don't have to be working for the company that supplied it to use the service). If the process of finding a counsellor is too daunting for you, consider reaching out to an EAP. In some cases they have mental health professionals available, or they can help you locate one close by that is within your financial means.


    I am neither religious, nor currently in the education system, but you can also reach out to religious organizations or school guidance counsellors if you feel you need help. Religious organizations may have a certain agenda in promoting their views, but many will offer assistance to those that reach out for help regardless if you are a member or not. These types of individuals are also a good option if you lack the financial means, though professionals often have reduced rates for those that are enduring financial hardship.



    I've said a lot, and there's really a lot more that I could say on the subject, but I'll save that for another time and probably some other platform.


    Stay healthy guys!

    You are loved! And your contributions are appreciated!

    - Jeklyn Hyde

    1. JavierPerero


      This is very informative. I love these themes. I am interested in understanding psychology .

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