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Posts posted by WhiteWolf

  1. Ok. So the yoke design changed into one piece.  Convenient! I cut out the head and trimmed the back plate as well. I’m way too afraid to do cut the arm holes till I get further along in the build and do proper measurements on them. I think I’ll pause here on the body and start cutting out limbs next. Also. I’m covered in plastic. 


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  2. 32 minutes ago, masterx244 said:

    +1 for not sending down money down the Anogos sarlacc pit. Buying secondhand is the only safe way to guarantee getting products from them. RPF got a long thread and FISD got 51 pages on a long thread over at the TFA trooper section, too

    I'm glad I found white armor before I ordered from them. 

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  3. 17 minutes ago, skitchie98 said:


    Hey man! Fellow Nashville newbie here as well (also huge hockey fan [go sabres])! I literally ordered my kit a few days ago (ANH Stunt from Troopermaster) so if you end up going with an OT TK I'd be down to help each other out on our builds! If you haven't already make an account on the MidSouth Garrison forums and make an introduction post, that's where you can get info on local members, events, troops, etc. Look forward to hearing more about your progress!


    Sick! I emailed the garrison coordinator today for info. Cant wait to pull the trigger on something but I'm trying to be patient and do my diligence on research. Go preds! 


    Let me know how your build turns out. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, ImperialLoyalty342 said:

    Great choices definitely! I am very in love with the First Order look; so clean. And it seems that TFA kits are more affordable. I often see members selling their un trimmed kits second hand on a couple detachment pages for 501st.


    Goodluck with your build! I will make sure to watch for your thread

    @ImperialLoyalty342 could you point me in the direction of those pages so I could check it out? Thanks for the help!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, FN-1313 said:


    Your best resources to start will be found here


    Definitely take your time in researching vendors. These pages will help:


    It’s definitely worth reasoning where to start and which vendors would best help out. From there you can check out many build threads that exist and start your own so the members of the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment can assist you along your way!

    Finally there are a few different FOTKs with the main ones in difference being the Force Awakens (TFA) and the Last Jedi (TLJ) there are some minor differences, but they do matter, so based on which one you want you’ll want to plan based on the CRLs

    TFA - https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_-_First_Order
    TLJ - https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_TLJ

    There also the executioner variant on the crls if that’s where you are going as well.

    Anywho, welcome again and we are glad to assist you in your build process!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    These are super helpful! Thank you. I actually didn't know there were any differences in TLJ and TFA. I'm emailing some vendors now with information. Looks like the only TFA/TLJ I can find is in Poland though according to the recommendation on vendors.

  6. Greetings.  I'm a newbie here in Nashville. I came primarily to find resources on building. Reaching out to my local 501st, browing the site, and trying not be overwhelmed by all of the information I stumbled into here haha. 


    I'm most interested in a TFA build (love the riot gear), but I'm also just considering ANH as there seems to be more available. 


    I teach here in Nashville, play recreation hockey, and have absolutely no crafting experience so I'm doing a lot of stuyding and researching. Cheers!

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