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Posts posted by Vurkanan

  1. Just saw a posting by a group selling new Sith Trooper armor.



    ArmoryShop Props proud to release Sith Trooper Armor Kit! Based on Stage and Floor costumes this armor is as close to original as possible! We did our best to match every single detail and maintain proportions! 60+ parts, 2-3mm thick, functional boxes and flexible poncho. This kit offered as both: RAW Printed (PETG/SBS) and Finished (painted/glossed). Made upon your measurements for perfect fit! Available at our ETSY (www.armoryshop.etsy.com) and Web Store


    I couldn't see the completed suit they mention to see a price but the completed helm ready to wear is $285 only 29 left available until they do another run.  Wanted to get peoples opinion cause they advertise made to measurements and being a "heftier" person that would be ideal if price is right.  But given no CRL to work from and evaluate not sure to pursue further.  

  2. Here is one glove zombiefied but before I do anything to the handplate to go over it.  Putting the prosthetics in place before armor placement so 2 things are accomplished.  First I have idea on how I want things to look and placed so canvas first.  Secondly as costume worn and wear and tear happens there will be in place move zombie part revealed and already compensates for this.  




  3. Trimming, re-gluing and so on so no new pics yet to post.  Missing some parts as kit sent was junk to start with so no surprise things missing.


    I saw another thread by someone who did a deathtrooper who had been lucky enough to receive some damaged pieces of armor from others, so I figured nothing ventured no gained right?  


    If anyone has any spare parts or damaged armor pieces and is willing to donate let me know I am sure we can arrange something.

  4. Ok so checking out zombie prosthetics and markup kits first to see whats available to incorporate into my envisioned look.  So many bad zombie looks out there  and I know the appearance I am going to aim for and the manner of death, time passed, and injuries that would be exposed through armor and battle damage to armor, but trying to find applicable parts to use will be a challenge.  And once I have them opening the armor to implant them and then will sand and age the armor to the desired look.  


    I am going to post some links from the dreaded ebay and see what I get for feedback on each.  Any half/partial/full latex masks would be "butchered" to use for exposed skin areas in various places I have in mind. There are several face and half face masks I would not be using or getting them all they are just the ones that had features that caught my eye.















  5. 4 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

    You will find that the crack will be covered mostly with the ears.




    Someone from my local garrison was in my area for an event and stopped by afterwards and took a look at the kit I had received and advised of the issues with it making it as a normal approved kit.  He noted from pics I posted to my local the crack (I actually had missed it initially in my excitement of unpacking) and took the rest of the helm pieces and said it would extend past where the parts I have would cover.  I actually am missing pieces and since this is a failed return I won't be getting the missing parts so the helm has no ear pieces and can't cover anything up.  Even for a death trooper I am going to have to come up with ear pieces .

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  6. 20 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

    Hi and welcome aboard, unfortunate that you discovered the forum too late but it does happen. If it were me I'd probably look at a death trooper build, but having some photos of your kit would definitely help us help you. Post up some images, a lot of us use Imgur a free photo host, once upload you can copy the image links directly into your post.


    Make sure you check the CRL's (costume reference library) for base requirements of a TK death trooper https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_deathtrooper


    Looking forward to seeing some images, good luck what ever you decide. 

    That link has GREAT pics of the zombie trooper is the helm forced to follow that exact pattern or can there be some variants like where the crack in my helm is and could cause exposed skin could get zombie prosthetic pieces.

  7. Ok well I made a huge error and before discovering you guys at FISD or speaking with my local garrison I ordered a dreaded EBAY kit, got a good price, the advert had all the right words and then it showed....I thought what a disaster.  Turns out Ebay has updated policies and since the seller said item was in Australia where he lives but it shipped from Taiwon and the faults in the armor details fell far short of movie quality they agreed with me that the seller should be responsible for the return ship costs and I was due a refund.  He never supplied the label needed kept trying to con me into paying for it (even offered me a "genuine" George Lucas autographed photo worth $500 according to him) lol.  Anyways since he failed to do his needful I got a complete refund including my shipping costs and I get to keep the bogus suit.  Now I was thinking what should I do with it?  And then it hit me....Death Trooper!   The helm has a huge crack in that even with assembly couldn't be covered but it could be extended and cut out to expose an area where a zombie face could be exposed.  The thumb print detail in bicep that is beyond over-exaggerated could be a spot where battle damage could be simulated, the under sized forearm plates also could be excused as part of this build.   Alot of pieces were ok, some are not fit for a TK build to make EID or Cent level (not even sure if basic passing without tons of work).  Before I start anything thought I would start the build thread, see what people think.  Go for this build, sell it as spare parts or as a kit that is NOT 501st approved or build it as a test kit so when the one I am going to order from AP shows I will have some familiarity?  A poll was added to get feedback.

  8. Since Star Wars first showed on the big screen way back in 1979 it was part of my life in one way or another.  From action figures to the vehicles, the costumes at Halloween (back then they were horrible by today's standards) growing up it sparked the imagination.  Then as an adult the revival of it all with the series restarting and eventually continuing the story past what we already knew from the first 3 released.  The novels, comics, the old and new characters fanned the embers of the passion that never died completely.

    I always thought about making a stormtrooper armor set but my skill was vastly overshadowed by imagination.  What I envisioned was beyond my reality to make.  The other day I chanced a purchase on a good deal even if just its basic appearance (not accuracy) was a start.  I am awaiting its delivery today or Monday and in anticipation I reached out to the local garrison to say hi, introduce myself and let them know I will need their input on if I made a purchase that will work or need modifications or if its destined to be turned into a zombie stormtrooper while I continue to work on getting an accurate version.  No matter what happens they all said I need to come check out here as the definitive spot to find info on the trooper.  One said "There is more information there than anyone even realizes".  


    So here I am, saying hi and warning that I am going to be picking minds and pillaging information already here...and the Empire has a new recruit.

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