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About Galen11

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  1. Thank you! I've been testing everything for a bit here so I'll continue forwards and start strapping and adding padding to help it all stay snug.
  2. What else would you guys like to see that would be helpful?
  3. Okay, Imgur set up. Here's what I've got so far My kidney plate has a similar amount of space between me and the plate. Would you suggest just using the strapping and other pieces to yank it all together? or more bending?
  4. I've got 3 photos in the Google drive link, but I guess I'll upload them to imgur
  5. So I have the Anovos kit all trimmed and cut and prepping for assembly. I've glued the shoulder straps to the chest plate and those fit perfectly, snug to my chest. but my ab plate, despite bending and trimming is still sticking out A LOT on my sides. What would be the fix for this? Or do I leave as is and just deal with rattling around inside it? Pics in the google drive link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17xIkbLvA81MZQv-eJDgIUtY9CE5WmiEh?usp=sharing
  6. Awesome! Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!
  7. Also, what site do you folks use to post pics on here?
  8. Hello everyone! I've got the Anovos ANH kit and I'm at the assembly stage. I'm just curious how close my forearms should fit. I'm not a big guy, so I'm concerned that if I fit them tight, it will look off. Suggestions?
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