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Posts posted by OTpropcollector

  1. Yeah. It's like people who paid $500 for an MR clone helmet and a year later they go for $200. Sucka! All the more reason why I don't buy licensed goods...

    Good one :D Ya know I figured that with a company that had to go through Lucasfilm for approval they could have done a better job on it. I am not going to razz on the individual who has it because it's just not cool. Sometimes people make purchases to be a part of something they themselves enjoy. I am sure it could be modified into a good looking kit with some work and help from some folks here :):):)

  2. I have AP and I use a mix of snaps and velcro. I've found that the industrial velcro holds really well and allows easier adjusting for fit. To make my straps I take the elastic straps and add fabric glue. Then I place the industrial velcro (with sticky backing) onto the glue and let dry. You can sew it but I don't know how to sow. Fabric glue dries real fast as well. I have some of my snaps pull off or break and I've replaced them with velcro. But to each his own.

    Very cool :D I decided to do the industrial velcro on the armor and this weekend begins work on the MRCE. By the time that's wrapped up I can begin the armor fitting and build. Pics to follow!!

    Thanks everyone!

  3. So...I have my MRCE that needs much work under closer inspection. there are a lot of seams that need to be filled in on this thing and I was hoping to do a non-pull apart teardown mod of it but that's not going to happen :angry: Next I got a good deal on an FX kit that arrived today so I need to get the parts to begin fitting/building. Now here is what I have pending....


    correct ab buttons

    new lenses

    hovi's(wait list)

    I would like to see if there is anyone who can help me get a list of items I need( I would hope so :lol: )

    such as...

    correct paint for frown

    mesh for frown

    strip for brow adjustment

    body suit

    neck seal

    blaster kit

    correct holster


    Another question I guess is preference on velcro or snaps to build with. I have looked over a lot of pcs and tutorials but I want to see if I can get a majority ruling on this. I will have pics here as I progress...wish me luck!!

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