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Everything posted by troopertony

  1. Sanded and cut out the teeth. I used the dremel and file method for the teeth, here's a picture of them. I found the file with one round side and flat side pretty helpful. Now time to join the two halves! I've tried mocking it up with tape a few times to get a feel for how they'll fit (and to try it on!). I'm a little nervous about making the holes in the sides, but it seems like there will be room to adjust even after so I just need to look at more pics and go for it. And it looks like I have a little more return edge on the forearms to get rid of
  2. Finished trimming the helmet and will start putting it together after sanding and removing teeth.
  3. Happy fourth! Was able to start some trimming on helmet. Did I take enough off the bottom? I erred on the side of leaving extra for fear of trimming too much.
  4. Finally finished the forearms, here they are from the top down.
  5. Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and fully trimmed wrist sides of the forearms. So far I've got one side of the right forearm covered and curing- will do the other side once it dries. First time dealing with ABS, my lexan scissor skills improved as I went along, and my first cuts required a lot of sanding. I went ahead and fit and trimmed the left forearm, and ran into a snag, as I have this gap where the curved part is. Maybe an inner cover strip will help? Edit- It looks like one of my cuts wasn't all the way straight on the forearm so that could be the reason.
  6. Hello! I recently had a fantastic BBB day after a super quick turnaround from ATA Works. Everything was in tip top shape when it arrived and I am pumped to start the build. After reading build threads, watching videos, and some advice from experienced troopers, I'm going to be aiming this build for Centurion from the outset. This is my first time attempting such a project, so I look forward your input. I've also been working on a full resin blaster kit which may occasionally distract me while waiting for e6000 to cure. My plan of attack is to start with the forearms, move to the bucket (mostly because I'm really excited to build that part), then see where to go from there. My first question as I prep the forearms, is it easier/better to trim the return edge from the wrist before or after assembly? Thanks for all the collective wisdom I've benefited from so far, and I look forward to the build!
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