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Posts posted by MIMIC

  1. So quick question, the unfinished ab is slightly different then the finished white. Are these levels of development?



    Hey, yes the whole thing is continually being worked and re-worked - trying to get it as close as I can :/ I actually fully moulded the ab plate and cast it before releasing I'd made a pretty big mistake on it. Which was upsetting lol


    Beautiful sculpt! Lots of very crisp lines. Beautiful!

    Now, If I wanted to be overly (accent on overly) critical and trying to be as screen accurate as possible, I would say the chest plate lines around the arm are too linear and should be more rounded. The upper legs pieces should be a little more rounded also when reaching the top of the leg. The cod piece is a little more smooth and does not have any edges/bumps same for the leg, it does not show much of an edge.

    Please don't get me wrong, you definitely have a first order stormtrooper armor there! No one would confuse that armor with anything else. I can only imagine the amount of work put already into it! This is awesome work and I would be proud to be caught wearing that armor!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Hi, thank you so much! Yep all good observations... the cod piece to me is the biggest problem and I'll be re-doing that again and again until it's right. Thank you for the input I really wish I'd posted here a little sooner, please keep an eye out for future development. Anything that helps me makes it more accurate I'm all for!


    Wow, amazing work. Looks so sharp!

    Terrific work as always Mimic!


    Are these pics of the latest kit of the earlier one? The cod still looks a little too stylised.

    Hey JAFO!!!


    Thank you, it's still the same kit just being tweaked constantly.


    The cod piece is ironically being a real pain on nuts lol!!! But it's been cut up an reshaped again so hopefully next time you see it it will be correct :)


    I might PM you at some point about your belts JAFO, I'm starting to source the rest of my suit.



    Thank you everyone, amazing response, I didn't expect that.

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