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Max Rebo

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About Max Rebo

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  1. Joseph--I haven't been to any build parties, but I would like to go to some. I had looked around on the Florida garrison page, but I thought that the forums weren't visible unless one was already in the 501st. Am I wrong about this? If I am right, is there any other way to find out about such parties?
  2. Aaron, Kalani, Joseph--thanks for the quick replies. Kalani, your build thread is one of my favorites. It has been really helpful as I work my way through my own. And Joseph, I live in Clermont. With any luck, I will be joining up with Makaze soon.
  3. Thanks to everyone who has uploaded detailed build threads for Anovos stunt armor. I have been pouring over a bunch of them, and they have been super helpful as I worked on trimming all my pieces. I am now to the gluing stage, but I haven't seen any detailed discussions of how to clean the excess glue off of the armor. Since this is my first build, I plan to use E6000. In some of the build thread pics I have seen, there is a bit of excess glue that has seeped out from under cover strips. I haven't begun gluing yet, and I wanted to ask about this first. I assume the first tip is just to be careful and avoid putting too much glue on in the first place. But I imagine that some will seep out because of the pressure from magnets and clamps. What do I do about this? Specifically, should I try to clean this off right away while it is still wet, or will it pull off easily and cleanly when it is dry? Do you use any cleaners or solvents to get this off? Are there any tools that work especially well to take this stuff off? Thanks!
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