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  1. Initial teeth coat completed. Looks sloppy, in my opinion... maybe I can clean it up on the second run? For that matter, how do you folks get your lines so straight?! Also, the dubious fifth tooth, or as I refer to it as the wisdom tooth; how am I supposed to proceed? There is conflicting references with this tooth. Either it is filled in or left blank (the latter looks off), coming to point past the tooth. Any advice here as well?
  2. What do you all think of these teeth now?
  3. Here is where I am at an impasse: Before I move forward with painting, especially on the frown, I fear as though I have trimmed not nearly enough. I was going with the 'Twinkie' shape and I'm afraid to trim anymore but I can foresee grey paint "bridging" -- if you will -- between the teeth and that certainly won't look correct. Any advice?
  4. After: Joining the face and back Of course I had to take a celebratory photo of actually being able to wear my bucket-in-progress While not necessary I decided to PlastiDip the interior and I love how it turned out Onto the dreaded ears I NEVER WANT TO DO EARS AGAIN... but, they're attached now... so there's that
  5. Salutations! I'm a younger guy of 23 years, college student, and new to the forums but have been lurking here for years; admiring and compiling loads of research that has been graciously volunteered upon these boards. I'm not particularly handy but very willing to accept a challenge and learn from it accordingly. Too long has it been since I've wanted to realize my childhood dream and join the ranks of the Empire among you beautiful people. Through trial, error, and this gorgeous MTK kit (shootout to Mike!) I swear to don this armor with utmost pride and respect one glorious day. But enough of my rambling, this is about the build and the day has finally come. Let's get to work, shall we? To start, I decided to go forward with the helmet as I imagined it would give me the most difficulty... A blank canvas: I've learned a lot in dentistry school! Not sure if I'm there yet (we'll come back to this) Out with his eyes! A fresh shave and a cleaned up face I had a boo-boo while trimming around the neck E6000, spare ABS, and clamps to the rescue The patch was successful! Onto the back+cap Before
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