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Posts posted by ase95

  1. 11 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

    Nice work, just watch some of your armor spacing next time you kit up, thigh gaps and rotation, knee plates, spats should be below the black ovals, ab section looks a little low, if you could bring this up it would also bring up the cod giving you a little more room for movement.


    Good luck with approval

    i know that the spats should be below , but i think they moved after i walked to the door in the armor, maybe i need to put more velcro to keep it in place better.
    for the ab section i think it's because of my height (1,90cm) i'll try put it a bit more high, but i think that's not possible 


    I've sent email for approval yesterday , hope to get response before the database is closed


    Which storage container do you use for your armor?(if you have a stanley version to recomend that would be better)

  2. Im having some problem with the forearm , i've assebled the most part of it but then this problem showed 





    the only solution that i've found is overlapping the two pieces 




    is this right? it needs to be trimmed maybe? also , is kinda big towards the elbow , there's some piece i can cut in order to make it smaller?(i've already glued the piece without the greeblies slots)

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