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Everything posted by Tk8268

  1. This probably has to do with the general beefiness of the average extra. Back in the 70s thin was very much in, and there wasn't a lot of weightlifting and bodybuilding outside weightlifting and bodybuilding circles. Big guys like Clint Eastwood were big, but not ripped the way you see actors today. Bulk and muscle are much more a part of the modern cinema male physique. I remember watching Jason and the Argonauts with my kids (granted that was filmed in 63) and thinking "Wow, this dude who is supposed to be the main hero is positively scrawny." (Much like myself, actually). Today if the filmed it the dude would be huge. Don't even get me started on Hercules. I can't speak to the military--the actual military--of then and now, but guys now are generally bigger than the photos you see of soldiers in Vietnam. Not that there weren't big guys then, but weight training, like everything else, is easier to do now for most, so many many more guys do it. THis is all me talking out my posterior, but I've noticed the same thing in the troopers of then and now.
  2. Sweet boots. I am also very new here. Look forward to seeing your progress with the ANOVOS suit. I am glad to see folks getting their orders, very encouraging!
  3. I posted this at the bottom of my introduction thread but I'm not sure if that is where it goes: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35364-hi-from-japan/?p=464092 Basically the pics in that post and the imgur link provided there show the suit I have (bought over a decade ago!) Of course I am relying on the goodwill and expertise of the folks on this board, so if you don't have time to take to explain the finer points, no worries. I've learned a lot and will continue to learn a lot just from browsing the tutorials on this board. Any suggestions welcome. I'm very impressed with the dedication to detail at FISD. (if linking to my other post is bad protocol, let me know or just delete this, thanks)
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