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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Aeosyn

  1. Hi guys!! 


    So amazing news!! I was approved! 


    TK-23148 reporting to the Legion for duty Mountain Garrison - Pikes Peak Squad.:Stormtrooper_walk_south: :dancing-trooper:



    I HIGHLY recommend going through the TK Pre-Approvals prior to submitting for approval. It made the process absolutely flawless. I'll still be making comfort improvements to strapping to ensure nothing slips out of place or unsnaps and tightening the loose ends of unpainted rivets. But I am so excited to be heading into Celebration as an official member and being able to look out for local events. 


    Super thanks to everyone's ideas, tips and tricks that helped me along the way. I hope to be able to provide half the guidance to fellow shorties and nervous newcomers. 



    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, justjoseph63 said:

    REALLY nice job on this armor, Alicia, especially since you had to cut it down quite a bit!   I can see no major issues that would keep you from Basic approval, but of course that would be up to your GML.

    A few small issues that I would recommend (especially if you are hopefully aiming for EI/Centurion) are listed below, but none that should affect basic.  Best of luck on your approval!


    1.  Paint the kidney rivets white.

    2.  Change out the bottom ear screws to the flat countersunk slotted type.  (The same as the top 2).

    3.  AWESOME job on the shoulder bell/shoulder bridge connection!  The gap in the front is also perfect, but the gap in the back is a little wide.  Removing all the return edge from the bottom of the bells will help bring them in a bit. 

    4.  The strapping on your bicep/forearm connection is causing them to sit unevenly, resulting in a difference in the size of the gaps.

    5.  The bottom of the back plate wants to ride out.  Some additional strapping towards the ends or reducing the length of the existing straps may help.




    Since I am a member of the Makaze Squad, I gotta ask about the "Honorable Mention" thing, lol.

    I completely forgot about the rivets there!! I'll definitely try to implement those changes to tailor the details. 



    I started working on the TK in Orlando before I moved to Colorado Springs, so I went to several Armor Party's with Gary at the TK Sweatshop. It was always really productive and helpful there so even though I may not be a member of Makaze, they'll always feel like my first squad. haha

    • Like 1

    1.  Alicia Steele

    2.  MG501st - Pikes Peak Squad

    3.  MTK

    4.  Anovos

    5.  Trooper Bay

    6.  Trooper Bay

    7.  TK Boots

    9.  NA

    10.  NA

    11.  5'2

    12.  125lbs

    13.  ANH Stunt

    14. Honorable mention to Makaze squad





    1.  Front view (arms down) 



    4.  Right side (arms raised)     


    2.  Back view (arms down) 


    3.  Left side (arms raised) 



    5.  Ab plate close-up       


    6.  Helmet close-up (front, left and right sides) 





    So basically the only things I have left from my new ultimate list are the butt plate to keep it from flaring out and then the bucket (oh and the arm strapping). Question so has anyone ever primarily used the teeth to see out of? If I use the eyes - it sits on top of my shoulders, but if I use the teeth, it looks like I have a neck... haha.


    I'll post pics when I can. In the mean time, here's more pics of why it's taken me so long and how much weight I've lost.. might not be as impressive as some, but it's still interesting to me and is literally the cause for a lot of modifications. Thighs, arms, waist pieces.. everything. 





  5. 48 minutes ago, gmrhodes13 said:

    Depends where you have your elastic/snaps placed behind and how tight, you should have some on the sides close to the end of the kidney/butt plate


    You can also add some tabs behind to help stop it butt plate pushing outwards


    I love this!! I do have snaps fair close to the edge of the butt/kidney and I think they're tight ish? But the straps for those snaps aren't elastic - that can be improved too. 

    • Like 2
  6. 44 minutes ago, Digz Graavz said:

    I think you need to get everything aligned properly first, then once you have your strapping in it will all line up.  It doesn't look like you've cut out your notches yet either.


    That's true. I was sure if the placement of the butt would matter cutting in relation to the notches. But notches first approach makes sense!


    I have the side snaps gluing now so the ab/kidney will hold in place. Once that's secure than I'll take another gander and see what can be improved on the butt! 

  7. Thanks for the feedback!! (so many months later.... ) 



    I actually moved states! So I used to live in FL and now I live in CO, hence the uh... 7.. 8 month hiatus. 

    My stuff was packed away in boxes and trucks and storage for the past 5 months. 

    I finally got to a place where I can work on it again, 'cause gosh darn it, I'm wearing this to CELEBRATION and HOPEFULLY I'll get to submit approval pics by then, even if the approval may not come through or I have more work to do. I've lost more weight as this is technically my second year on the build. So while I'm glad to be getting fit, it's making more work to do. lol XD Just wanted to preface all the resizing/shaping mods on my to-do list.


    Anyways - after taking it out of storage I've made this list of things to do: 



    -resize biceps  done

    -resize forearm done

    -add strapping for secure placement - in progress


    Chest - reshape maybe trim sides, we'll see  kind of done?

    butt - heat to form potential trim again



    -increase curvature to fit done

    -add split rivets back (had to cut them off to cut down on kidney to ab gap

    -replace strapping (again, cut off due to sizable gap between me and armor) done
    -created tab slot for side closure  done



    -needs padding 

    -repaint inside for second layer

    -secure visor

    -secure frown mesh


    thighs - trim top down to prevent getting under abs

    belt - redo snaps to ab (not strong enough, may need new snaps)

    Thermal detonator - needs to be put together


    shins - nothing

    kidney - nothing

    Back - nothing


    General notes: I'll be switching to mostly a stretchy connections to allow for more fluid movement and a little less likely for things to come unsnapped during wear. There were tugs when I had it on that caused the chest to ab unsnapping. Most other connections were solid (minus the lack there of in the arms). I'm relatively unhappy with my garter belt I made. I'll probably have to remake it, but hopefully I can put that off till the end since, honestly, I'm just not looking forward to it. Any recommendations on a garter system would be appreciated!

  8. Alrighty, so I sanded down the area behind the ab where the snaps would go to get them through and that worked out well. 


    I went on a test run to Megacon this weekend! Pics below. 










    Issues I had at Megacon: 


    Problem:. Bicep kept going underneath shoulder bells

    Solution: Add inner arm strappings to keep them in place

    Question: Should I make the bicep/bell smaller? 


    Problem: Kidney kept overlapping (on top of) ab

    Solution: trim kidney - recreate notch - tighten elastic closures


    Problem: thighs kept going over/under ab. right thigh kept spinning off to the side. 

    Solution: ??? 


    Problem: right belt snap (to ab) would not stay snapped.

    Solution: add slack to canvas

    Question: someone mentioned I was using the wrong snaps? what are the right snaps? o.O 


    Work to be done, so close but so far!! 

    I just got my detonator clips in the mail today. I'm thinking about painting the tube, can I use the same gray that I used on the buttons? 


    Edit: Squeal of joy for first time wearing it in public. XD :dancing-trooper:


  9. How's the buttons looking? 




    There's a slight smudge on the bottom blue. Is it noticeable? 


    I tried getting it off by gently sanding with fine sandpaper and resmoothing with watered down acetone on a paint brush and immediately wiping it off so that it wouldn't melt/disfigure anything. 


    if it's not that noticeable, I'll stop messing with it. 

  10. I know I haven't posted in awhile. I honestly haven't worked on it since I went to an armor party and had to take a lot of the inner strapping apart. The side fixtures came apart when I put it on and the shoulder snaps were vertical as opposed to horizontal (same for thighs, but I may not redo those just yet). 


    This is what it looked like before it broke. 



    I now have the thigh ammo on, the sniper knee, and have redone the strapping so I can actually put it on again. Phew! In the picture there were no straps for the bells. Those are underway and almost done. 


    I also have trimmed and cut out the ab button plates, boxes and belt. So those are just assembly. 


    I've actually lost almost 20LBs since that picture was taken. If you look, there's a bit of a flare on the left side kidney piece and that has gotten much worse since I lost weight. Any ideas on how to get that to stay flat align with the ab piece? 


    I'm also currently in search of a fully assembled bucket, or at the least a new separate kit that won't take months to receive. There was a recent post in the commissary so my fingers are crossed I'm first in line as I'm totally desperate. I broke my rear half of the bucket. For a more experienced maker, I'm sure it's fixable... but I am not confident in my abilities and that's why I saved it for last to begin with. So here's hoping. 


    I still can't believe this has all taken me just about a year now. I very well could have worked on it more diligently, but life and such. Hopefully, since I won't have it done till after Megacon and Solo release, there will still be enough troops to attend once I do get it approved. 



  11. On 5/3/2018 at 9:02 PM, Frank75139 said:

    I use the same one as justjoseph. I put the batting on the sides and place most of my armor in bags I made. It was tricky cause I leave my upper body minus the arms in tact but I got a system and it all fits. It’s a decent box and the wheels are nice. Fits in my minivan but if I ever had to take my wife’s Mini Cooper I’d be outta luck.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    HII Fellow mini driver. 


    I have the same one from Home Depot and it fits in my mini cooper s. ^_^ Just gotta fold the back seats down. They're roomier than you think. 

  12. Thanks for the input! 


    It's good to know it gets easier. I like the idea of keeping them snapped together, and then pulling it up, it's a nightmare. 

    I also watched a few people suit up at the armor party and they had the same struggles. #validation


    So, my phone's dead that has all my pics, but just wanted to update that I'm back from the holidays (and busy season from work) and in action. 


    There was an armor party last weekend and I got up to a good place. 


    We got the ammo pack on the thigh, button plates cut out.

    The detonator pieces cut out. 

    I'm re-doing a LOT of the strapping.

    I actually broke the side strapping where I had put elastic in with the rivets for a "permanent" closure and it broke on a fitting, so I'm going snaps on both sides now. I had 1 or 3/4 inch white elastic for the front to back shoulder straps, and am now using a wider piece where two snaps can fit instead of one in-line. I also got rubber hand guards that meet centurion requirements. 


    hmm... I think I'll be doing the sniper knee this weekend and finishing up the re-strapping. Then I'll work on the belt, weird shoulder things (my b... o.O) and arm strapping. 


    I guess I'm basically doing everything I can BUT the bucket. I'm afraid of the bucket. 

    Hopefully progress pics tomorrow. 

    I took a REALLY awesome pic of me all suited up (minus accessories) and it looks waaayyy better than some of my previous ones. :3


    My goal is to now wear it for Megacon in Orlando in May.

    • Like 1
  13. From the last time I updated the "to-do" list, I've made a lot of progress. 

    I'm currently working on the sniper knee/ammo pack accessories. 

    Just stopped by online to check placement. The thigh ammo pack didn't go all the way to the back of the side, but only misses by about 1 -1.5 cm. From a couple EIB applications I looked it, it didn't seem to be an issue. 



    Forearms: done

    Biceps: done

    Bells: done (?) haven't tried them on or finished strapping

    hand plates: completed initial trim

    Question: how do people secure the hand plates? Mine are of the non-flexible variety, and I don't want them to HAVE to go on the rubber gloves, I'd like to use generic black gloves if possible for more comfortable trooping. Is it common place to use elastic so they just fit over your palm's regardless of gloves? 



    Chest: done

    back: needs shoulder reshaping & shoulder things to go on

    kidney: done

    ab: done

    butt: done



    Shins: needs knee plate (and possibly redo closure, I don't like what I did. lol

    Thighs: ammo pack & moderate trimming to top of cover strips



    belt - not started

    detonator - not started (received missing piece from trooperbay!! :D

    helmet: front initial trim, eyes rough cut 


    I might post some pics if I put it on tonight. I need to check that the cod -> butt strap is the right length. and OMG how do people reach around to snap those?!?! It's the hardest thing ever, aside from actually building the suit. haha. XD Overall I'm feeling pretty good. There was one thing I was worried about, when walking, the thighs kept scraping the cod piece. Hopefully with the cod -> butt strapping holding it down better, that may not happen? 


    I'm a little at a loss on how to start the belt. Mainly cause I ordered the one from TrooperBay and it's WAY too big. It juuust barely catches the last bit of the velcro. I suppose we'll see once I get there. 

  14. Ok so, the ab piece is lookin pretty good. I have reinforcements being glued for where the rivets are going. 


    I WANTED to also have the cover strips being glued on the back of the thighs, but I came across a crossroads and not sure how to handle it or what to do. 

    The strip is way wider than the gap cause the top is about that width and it tapers, so I really can't make the cover strip smaller.


    1. All the way down 

    2. Above gap (which is how typical suits look less the gap. :| )

    3. Above the gap and then cut the "behind the knee curve" - does it have to be a curve? can it looks like an upside down V? 





  15. Thanks for the input! I feel like I can power through and make it happen.


    I plan on keeping the length in the kidney and heat bending the shoulders down a little. 

    I'll trim the top-side where the kidney meets the ab to reduce the overlap and then create the closure.


    I saw on Sha Sha Shu's build thread she used the the split-rivet-inside-of-snap method and I love it for functionality and look, so I'm going to try to recreate that using elastic to hold it together.


    I just ordered my belt, neck seal, and holster from trooperbay.com ! 

    I watched through trooperbay's videos on the site and it helped a bit to get the right idea for some the accessories like bells and the knee plates.

    Though my goal is to have the body & legs COMPLETED by this weekend. It's not too far a stretch, I don't think. 

    and by completed I mean the pieces wearable without tape. lol 


    Lately I've just reinforced the shins. That was the first piece I glued and the backs are still wide open. they should be finished by now. 


    Oh! I was thinking about doing elastic on the shins... It would appear everyone does velcro, bra-hooks and magnets. I originally wanted to do magnets, but don't have the time to dedicate. So now I have velcro and was thinking about reinforcing with elastic. We shall see. 

    • Like 1
  16. Thanks! That gives me a little more confidence for the backs. I think I'll go ahead and glue the cover strips on and continue to size from there.

    then keep closing off the pieces and sizing once it's all able to be put on. 


    Here's another two pics, just cause I do have some questions about these. The way the sides are taped here, the top overlaps (dotted line - not where I want to cut, but where the overlap occurs) and the bottom fits ok, but it causes the armor to have an angle... is this a problem? It felt fine to wear and that's the best it's looked from the back view, I suppose the alternate fix is to do the heat gun/hot water bath for a slight curve. Not sure if I should cut off the overlap and leave it, or straighten and do shaping/curve. 

    Am I over thinking this...? lol




    here you can see the back of the thighs a bit better with the butt piece taped up to the cod. A proposal about this... the butt plate could possibly come down more as you can see in this pic, the shoulders come up above my actual shoulder. should I cut the kidney? I was really trying to avoid that.. 


  17. I know it's been ages but just thought I'd post a quick update. This will also help me get a plan of action going cause when I work on it, I'm back to not knowing where to start. I've skipped logging a lot of the steps. Mainly I was on vacation, then came back from that to hurricane Irma and dealt with that for a month... it's just been busy!! I finally started back on the suit about 3 weeks ago and I've made quite a bit of progress... I can put pieces on!



    Forearms: done

    Biceps: done

    Bells: need work

    hand plates: not started



    Chest: done

    back: done

    kidney: needs molding to shape - possible cut on sides to bring in

    ab: done (except for strapping)

    butt: done (except for snaps connecting front to back)



    Shins back needs to be completed, inner cover strips, & knee plate

    Thighs: need to complete sizing, front outer & back cover strips, ammo boxes



    belt - not started

    detonator - not started (actually missing the the piece that goes on the middle.. and I got the kit in June. :? should I ask the maker or is there another recommend to get a missing part from?) 

    helmet - not started


    SO my key struggles... 


    1. putting stuff on to measure, tape to hold AND taking decent pictures, hard man... 


    2. fitting thighs. I keep trimming and I feel like I'm trimming too much, getting nervous. Mostly from the back cause the top keeps stabbing my butt! so I know it's supposed to be "comfortable," but I'm starting to get a complex (is my butt that big!?)... lol. so a question I have about this... exactly how important is the thigh shape in the back? cause at this point... there's minimal shape, as in the outer thigh curve goes straight to the inner thigh curve and does not "plateau to steeper curve" and if I recreate the curve that goes inward of the thigh, than the thigh might look too low. I'll post pictures when I can... 


    3. back body: looks soo bulky to my figure, but I had a scare with a heatgun where I ALMOST ruined the ab plate trying to curve it in more (only saved cause the chest piece covers the damage), so now I'm afraid of it. Rightfully so. I've heard the hot water bath is safer, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Do you really just boil water, pour over armor in the sink? o.O and I'm not sure if that's even the right idea... if I should be bending or trimming more off the sides to fit closer it's a good 2+ish inches from actually resting on my back.


    3. cont: Also worried about making the armor too curvy to my female figure. :| so is it better to keep it wide and bulky? or go ahead and curve it in a bit? 


    Comments and suggestions are welcome but this is also just meet talking it out. So far I'm just working on strapping so I can wear it in order to get a better idea of what needs fitting. :D


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