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Everything posted by Talltrooper

  1. Upper post have been updated with new code for the Counter Regards Rainer
  2. Hi, So here is the full layout and code, its still pretty much in beta state, especially everything with the counter needs a rewrite. And not everything planed is supported yet. The layout is based on the arduino nano, i used the internal pullups on the arduino board, thats the reason why the whole triggerlogic is inverted, and its missing the trigger resistors. I was not able to get a 2GB SD card so i testet a 8GB SD HC and is does the job flawless, even when the soundmodule descriptions told that you are limited to the small ones. Regards Rainer /* Project "E-11 Blaster" by Evildead this version is compatible with WT-SD MP3 PLAYER created 28 Nov 2015 last modified 12 Dec 2015 This is based on Project "Open Blaster" by TK8177 PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENCE. THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENCE OR COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENCE. THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Attribution-NonCommercial You are free: to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work to make derivative works Under the following conditions: Attribution — You must give the original author credit. Non-Commercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes */ // this constant won't change: const int SelectorSwitch = 6; // WEAPON SELECTOR const int TriggerSwitch = 7; // FIRE const int ReloadSwitch = 8; // WEAPON RELOAD const int LedFireRed = 10; // LED FIRE (RED) const int LedFireBlue = 9; // LED FIRE (BLUE) const int LedFireGreen = 11; // LED FIRE (GREEN) const int LedCounterG10 = 2; // Green Counter Green 10 const int LedCounterG9 = 3; // Green Counter Green 9 const int LedCounterG8 = 4; // Green Counter Green 8 const int LedCounterG7 = 5; // Green Counter Green 7 const int LedCounterG6 = A5; // Green Counter Green 6 const int LedCounterG5 = A4; // Green Counter Green 5 const int LedCounterG4 = A3; // Green Counter Green 4 const int LedCounterR3 = A2; // Green Counter Red 3 const int LedCounterR2 = A1; // Green Counter Red 2 const int LedCounterR1 = A0; // Green Counter Red 1 //Weapon Settings const int Max_Weapons = 4; // Defines Maximum Weapons const int Max_Random_Sound_Arrays = 2; // Defines Maximum Weapons const int Max_Random_Sounds = 13; // Defines Maximum Random Sounds // Variables will change: unsigned long SelectorSwitchHoldT; boolean AllowSelect = false; int RadioHoldDelay = 3000; // Sets the hold delay of Selector Switch for Radio Mode int SelectorState = HIGH; int SelectorSwitch_LastState = HIGH; int TriggerSwitch_LastState = HIGH; int ReloadSwitch_LastState = HIGH; int CurrentPlayMode = 0; int CounterArray[10] = {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, 5, 4, 3, 2}; // 1---2---3---4 Weapon Number int WeaponMaxAmmoArray[Max_Weapons] = {10, 10, 10, 10}; // Add maximum Weapon ammo here int WeaponTypeArray[Max_Weapons] = { 1, 1, 3, 3}; // Weapon Type 1 = Weapon with Ammo 2 = Weapon unlimited Ammo 3 = Random Sound Player int WeaponFireSoundArray[Max_Weapons] = { 7, 8, 0, 1}; // Number of Fire Sound File or Number of random sound array int WeaponReloadSoundArray[Max_Weapons] = { 3, 3, 0, 0}; // Number of Reload Sound File int WeaponEmptySoundArray[Max_Weapons] = { 5, 5, 0, 0}; // Number of Empty Sound File int WeaponFireLightArray[Max_Weapons] = { 1, 2, 1, 0}; // Number of Fire Lighting int WeaponReloadLightArray[Max_Weapons] = { 1, 1, 1, 1}; // Number of Reload Lighting int WeaponEmptyLightArray[Max_Weapons] = { 1, 1, 1, 1}; // Number of Empty Lighting // Add sound file numbers for random sound player here, each row must have the maximum number of sound files. Not used places need to be 0 int RandomSoundArray[Max_Random_Sound_Arrays][Max_Random_Sounds] = {{22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34}, { 35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; int RandomArray; int RandomTrack; int WeaponAmmoArray[Max_Weapons]; int WeaponSelected = 0; int CounterState = 0; int TriggerState = HIGH; int ReloadState = HIGH; long TrackCounter2 = 0; int var_loop_ammo = 0; int ledStateAmmo = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED long previousMillisAmmo = 0; // will store last time LED was updated long intervalAmmo = 180; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds) void setup() { delay(600); //pause needed to play the track at startup // initialize the switch pins as a input: pinMode(SelectorSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(TriggerSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ReloadSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP); // initialize the LEDs as an output: pinMode(LedFireRed, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedFireBlue, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedFireGreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG10, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG9, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG8, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG7, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG6, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG5, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterG4, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterR3, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterR2, OUTPUT); pinMode(LedCounterR1, OUTPUT); // Turn fire leds off digitalWrite(LedFireRed, LOW); digitalWrite(LedFireBlue, LOW); digitalWrite(LedFireGreen, LOW); // Fill ammo array for(int i = 0; i < Max_Weapons; i++) { WeaponAmmoArray[i] = WeaponMaxAmmoArray[i]; } // initialize serial communication: Serial.begin(9600); randomSeed(analogRead(6)); Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x03); // Lenght Serial.write(0xA7); // Volume Command Serial.write(0x1d); // Volume (hexadecimal conversion 1-31 --> 1f = max / 14 = medium) Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode // start sound Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Lenght Serial.write(0xA0); // Play from SD Card Serial.write(0x00); // Highbyte Serial.write(0x01); // track number 01 Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode delay (300); CounterStart (); delay (3600); // random vader welcome TrackCounter2 = random(0,3); // play files random vader voice Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // Play from SD Card Serial.write(0x00); // Hightbyte if ( TrackCounter2 == 0 ) { Serial.write(0x3c); } if ( TrackCounter2 == 1 ) { Serial.write(0x3d); } if ( TrackCounter2 == 2 ) { Serial.write(0x3e); } if ( TrackCounter2 == 3 ) { Serial.write(0x3f); } Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode } void loop() { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTOR BEGIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SelectorState = digitalRead(SelectorSwitch); // read the SelectorSwitch input pin: if (SelectorState == LOW && SelectorSwitch_LastState == HIGH) // Selector is pressed { SelectorSwitchHoldT = millis(); // mark the time AllowSelect = true; // allow state changes } if (AllowSelect == true && SelectorState == LOW && SelectorSwitch_LastState == LOW) //Selector remain pressed { if ((millis() - SelectorSwitchHoldT) >= RadioHoldDelay) // for longer than x/1000 sec(s) Enter Radio Mode { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Lenght Serial.write(0xA0); // Play from SD Card Serial.write(0x00); // Highbit Serial.write(0x40); // track number button sound Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode delay (1500); Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Lenght Serial.write(0xA0); // Play from SD Card Serial.write(0x00); // Highbit Serial.write(0x41); // Track number Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode ChangePlayMode (0); AllowSelect = false; // prevent multiple state changes } } if (AllowSelect == true && SelectorState == HIGH && SelectorSwitch_LastState == LOW) { if ((millis() - SelectorSwitchHoldT) < 700 ) //debounce { ChangePlayMode (0); PlaySelectSound (); WeaponSelected ++; if (WeaponSelected == Max_Weapons) // Last Weapon reached return to first { WeaponSelected = 0; } UpdateCounterLed(); AllowSelect = false; // prevent multiple state changes } } SelectorSwitch_LastState = SelectorState; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTOR END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Fires --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TriggerState = digitalRead(TriggerSwitch); // shots count - read the pin value and save it if (TriggerState == LOW && WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] == 0) // Trigger is pulled but weapon is empty { UpdateCounterLed (); if (TriggerState != TriggerSwitch_LastState) // compare the TriggerState to its previous state { PlayEmptySound (); } } if (TriggerState == LOW && WeaponTypeArray[WeaponSelected] == 1 && WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] > 0) // Trigger is pulled and weapon not empty and weapon have ammo { if (TriggerState != TriggerSwitch_LastState) // compare the TriggerState to its previous state { if (TriggerState == LOW) // if the state has changed, decrement the counter { WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] = (WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] -1) ; UpdateCounterLed (); PlayFireSound (); PlayFireLight (); } } } if (TriggerState == LOW && WeaponTypeArray[WeaponSelected] == 3) // Trigger is pulled and weapon is in random soundfile mode { if (TriggerState != TriggerSwitch_LastState) // compare the TriggerState to its previous state { if (TriggerState == LOW) { PlayRandomSound (); PlayFireLight (); } } } TriggerSwitch_LastState = TriggerState; // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop if (WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] == 0) // Check if weapon is empty and let red led blink { CounterStatusEmpty (); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Reloads ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReloadState = digitalRead(ReloadSwitch); if (ReloadState == LOW && WeaponTypeArray[WeaponSelected] == 1) // No need to reload a weapon without ammo { PlayReloadSound (); CounterReload (); WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] = WeaponMaxAmmoArray[WeaponSelected] ; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUND FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- void ChangePlayMode (int PlayMode) { if (CurrentPlayMode != PlayMode) { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x03); // Lenght Serial.write(0xA9); // Set Play Mode Serial.write(0x00+PlayMode); // Set Play Mode to 0 No Cyle or 1 Cycle Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode CurrentPlayMode = PlayMode; } } void PlaySelectSound () { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // SDCard Playback Serial.write(0x00); // Highbyte Serial.write(0x04); // Lowbyte Track 4 Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode } void PlayFireSound () { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // SDCard Playback Serial.write(highByte(WeaponFireSoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Highbyte Serial.write(lowByte(WeaponFireSoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Lowbyte Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode } void PlayEmptySound () { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // SDCard Playback Serial.write(highByte(WeaponEmptySoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Highbyte Serial.write(lowByte(WeaponEmptySoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Lowbyte Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode delay(500); } void PlayReloadSound () { Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // SDCard Playback Serial.write(highByte(WeaponReloadSoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Highbyte Serial.write(lowByte(WeaponReloadSoundArray[WeaponSelected])); // Lowbyte Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode } void PlayRandomSound () { RandomArray = WeaponFireSoundArray[WeaponSelected]; for(int i = 0; i < (Max_Random_Sounds); i++) { if (RandomSoundArray[RandomArray][i] == 0) { RandomTrack = random (0, (i -1)); break; } if (i == (Max_Random_Sounds -1)) { RandomTrack = random (0, (Max_Random_Sounds -1)); break; } } Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode Serial.write(0x04); // Length Serial.write(0xA0); // SDCard Playback Serial.write(highByte(RandomSoundArray[RandomArray][RandomTrack])); // Highbyte Serial.write(lowByte(RandomSoundArray[RandomArray][RandomTrack])); // Lowbyte Serial.write(0x7E); // StartEndCode } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHT FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- void PlayFireLight () { switch (WeaponFireLightArray[WeaponSelected]) { case 1: // E-11 Blaster delay(30); // pause to wait mp3 start digitalWrite(LedFireRed, HIGH); digitalWrite(LedFireBlue, HIGH); digitalWrite(LedFireGreen, HIGH); delay(1); digitalWrite(LedFireBlue, LOW); digitalWrite(LedFireGreen, LOW); delay(80); // partial lenght of sound digitalWrite(LedFireRed, LOW); delay(250); // pause to wait the sound finish break; case 2: // E-11 Stun delay(30); // pause to wait mp3 start analogWrite(LedFireRed, 255); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 255); analogWrite(LedFireGreen, 255); delay(30); analogWrite(LedFireRed, 0); analogWrite(LedFireGreen, 0); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 0); delay(30); analogWrite(LedFireRed, 255); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 255); analogWrite(LedFireGreen, 255); delay(30); analogWrite(LedFireRed, 0); analogWrite(LedFireGreen, 0); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 0); delay(30); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 255); delay(50); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 0); delay(40); analogWrite(LedFireBlue, 255); delay(30); // fade out from max to min in increments of 5 points: for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -=5) { analogWrite(LedFireBlue, fadeValue); delay(10); } delay(100); // pause to wait the sound finish break; default: break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ COUNTER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- void UpdateCounterLed () { CounterState = ((WeaponAmmoArray[WeaponSelected]*10) / WeaponMaxAmmoArray[WeaponSelected]); for(int i = 0; i < CounterState; i++) { digitalWrite(CounterArray[i], HIGH); } for(int i = 9; i >= CounterState; i--) { digitalWrite(CounterArray[i], LOW); } } void CounterStatusEmpty () //LED BAR - BLINKING END AMMO { // blinking led start unsigned long currentMillisAmmo = millis(); if(currentMillisAmmo - previousMillisAmmo > intervalAmmo) { previousMillisAmmo = currentMillisAmmo; if (ledStateAmmo == LOW) ledStateAmmo = HIGH; else ledStateAmmo = LOW; digitalWrite(LedCounterR1, ledStateAmmo); var_loop_ammo++; } // blinking led END } void CounterStart () { for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { digitalWrite(CounterArray[i], HIGH); delay(30); } digitalWrite(CounterArray[9], HIGH); } void CounterReload () // delay total 2700 RELOAD AMMO LED BAR { for(int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) { digitalWrite(CounterArray[i], LOW); } delay(200); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { digitalWrite(CounterArray[0], HIGH); delay (300); digitalWrite(CounterArray[0], LOW); delay (200); } CounterStart (); }
  3. Hello, I have had the same problem, it is caused by sending the single no cycle command all the time, even if it already set. I added a function which checks if a change is needed and only sends the command in this case. Sadly i can´t post the needed lines as my code differs pretty much from the original one. But if its ok and does not create confusion with the original project i can post the whole layout/code here. Regards
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