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Posts posted by TK-5988

  1. Per my initial application, I was to add ab buttons, drop boxes, and finish my thermal detonator. I was also recommended by FISD to have also trimmed my forearms, biceps, and shoulder bells. I also heat gunned my shoulder bells to fit a bit tighter. I have since completed all of these steps. I have emailed who I need to, as to complete my application to the 501st. I will be attempting to go to Elite Standards of the FISD soon. I also have in the works my holster and blaster.


    Here are some pictures!


  2. First - thanks for the warm compliments and such :)


    Yes, the shoulder bells need some work... trimming and moving them forward, I totally agree. Its much different when actually looking at pictures vs a mirror.


    Chest & Back plate - do you think loosening & moving forward the top straps and tightening my side velcro straps would work better to get a tighter connection between my chest and back plate?


    Biceps - should they basically rest on the inside arm (opposite of my elbow) ?


    Buttons - Vader Dave's set... coming via mail as we speak :D


    Chest plate mod - yes I would like to do this, I just need to get a modeling iron.

  3. I've started my application process through 501st and the Georgia Garrison...


    I figured I would go ahead and start the application process, even though I have the following to take care of:


    Purchase Blaster

    Sew Holster

    Mount Drop Boxes

    Mount Vader Dave's button set

    Finish O2 Canister

    Trim Shoulder bells

    Thin forearms & biceps


    Here's some pictures, any other suggestions?



    Just Kidding!!















  4. depend on how many pies you've consumed...lol,


    seriously though, as you begin to build you'll soon know how close it can fit...and still feel comfortable,...or not as the case may well be...(see above..)


    generally though it's relatively close fitting...(originally made to look as though it was 'sleek and form fitting').


    I'm a fairly thin guy, and as it stands now, I have padded my armor to make it fit. I didnt know... should I trim it down, so it just fits?

  5. Here are a few more pictures:









    Changes Made:

    Thighs trimmed

    Shoulder bells completed

    Neck trim done

    Ab/Butt piece lowered

    Belt 50% complete



    Changes Needed:

    Shorten ab to thigh webbing.

    Add knee parts

    Complete belt

    Add ab buttons

    Finish o2 canister



    I also realize some of the poses make the shoulder bells look off, though I don't believe they are. Also I think the position of the butt piece is too low, and the ab piece might be too high.

    How's everything looking otherwise?

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