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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Update on the leg. I found out that they can make a mold of my leg and make a prothesis out of that. I am thinking that I can have a second one made and permanantly attach the armor and boots to it.
  2. I appreciate all the thank yous I am getting, but I wouldn't feel right if i didn't explain the injury. My ship was in dry dock and I was painting the anchor when it fell on my foot. It wasn't in battle or anything. Also, thanks for all the advice. I will find out what kind of prothesis I am going to get next week and go from there.
  3. I just found out that do to an injury in the service, I will need to have my leg amputated from the knee down. I was wondering if anyone knows of any mods that can be done to a simple metal rod so that the shin armor fits perfect. I searched the boards and could not find anything.
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