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Posts posted by pedro2931

  1. hello all, ive been away for awhile and during that time i found me a job which has been a huge blessing and i know i mustve been  a bother asking questions about the specs for different costumes but its overwhelming to take in and choose what you want to be and now im finally ready to start BUYING lol and im ready to be apart of the First Order!,, and was wondering if any of you who bought from Jim has the kits and armor been treating you well? also is there any other kit makers that you have been satisfied with and is the anovos first order helmet a good buy? and membership material?



    Thanks all for being patient but im ready to troop!

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  2. Hello everyone you all have been get references in guiding into every direction that i have had trouble on .. ive been looking into first order kits and saw this man from the phillipines is doing kits around $800 or so and really considering going for him.. how much do you think from guesstimation that Anovos would be selling their kits for?.... what would you guys do in my postion wanting a kit , again any input is appreciated


    thanks again!

  3. Hello my name is Pedro and like many fans out there i was iffy about the new stormtrooper look and have grown to love them. And after seeing trailers and commercials these troops are a force to reckoned with. And i really want to do a build and im a first time build maker. Im from Arizona and I know a few people from my garrsion have executed it beautifully. so any tips from you experienced members out there? any tips would gladly be appreciated



    Thanks Again,


  4. Hello everybody my name is Pedro im from Arizona I recently started topics about the Imperial Shock Trooper and Magma Trooper from the upcoming Battlefront game and thanks to fellow Star Wars enthusiast its ROTJ armor which I intend to do the Imperial Shock Trooper and a well respected kit maker in my state Tristan has armor that's ANH but what kind of  changes would i need to make it ROTJ. I know the helmet for sure

  5. Hello everybody my name is Pedro im from Arizona I recently started topics about the Imperial Shock Trooper and Magma Trooper from the upcoming Battlefront game and thanks to fellow Star Wars enthusiast its ROTJ armor which I intend to do the Imperial Shock Trooper and a well respected kit maker in my state Tristan has armor that's ANH but what kind of  changes would i need to make it ROTJ. i would research myself but screw it up somehow.

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