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bmth chris

Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Posts posted by bmth chris

  1. Ok, so I'm considering buying the icomm/aker. Where/how are they mounted? I'm assuming the aker goes in the chest plate. But where does everyone put the icomm? Do you feed the wires through the neck bib? Any help is appreciated



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  2. Alright. So, here's the situation. Is it frowned upon to have a kit built for you? I'm looking around and just seeing people saying that the reward of building your own is good in itself. But seriously, when investing upwards of $600, is it really that absurd to have someone who knows what they're doing do it for you? I understand that there are plenty of threads that are basically a walkthrough but I just can't see someone investing $600+ and screwing up and being ok with it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, will judgment be passed if someone has a commission done for them?



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  3. Well as it would turn out the TM kit I'm getting comes with gloves/hand plates. And they're centurion level! So it looks like everyone has voted for Darmans neck seal haha so on to that. Thanks guys! Can I just take a second to say how much I LOVE this community? Everyone is more than willing to help the newbies out. I understand yall were in the same boat at one point in time, but the fact that you comment offering guidance is just amazing. Thanks again guys! Fingers crossed on the newest 501'st TK/fisd centurion!



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  4. It's decided that I'll be buying from troopermaster lol. The anovos is just to much of a risk. Thanks for all the help guys! Where could I pick up gloves and a neck seal? Gloves could come from Home Depot or something right? The neck seal is where I'm having problems. I'll be attempting at centurion approval so keep that in mimd



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