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Everything posted by VoidHead

  1. so..it has been a while since i have really updated this.. Yes, still working on the TK.. Don't worry, i have been shamed plenty that it is not done yet.. HOWEVER, I am at the painting phase of the helmet and I came to a startling realization... i dont know what colors paint I need.. Is there a list of paint colors that are used somewhere?
  2. At this point I have all the torso pieces trimmed up.. and ready to assemble. Is there a good tutorial or posting somewhere that shows how to put the bucket together?
  3. Great idea!! I will do that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Also, I noticed some damage on the kidney cover.. Anyone have a suggestion to fix/strengthen?
  5. SO.. it is safe to say.. I suck at updating forum posts.. But as promised.. Appendages are done. Sniper Plate, Right Thigh and Ammo Box. Next on my to-do is to trim up the torso pieces and finally get the bucket done.. kinda nervous about that one.
  6. It has been a few weeks and progress is slow going.. But i do have the arm pieces and the thighs done!! After many screw-ups, and a few references back to David's post about making the "goop" i finally feel a bit more comfortable working on the armor.. it's tough to get over that 'There is no screw-ups allowed' mentality. heh. Will post pics of updated armor pieces soon..
  7. Hi Steve, Thank you so much this helps immensely!
  8. That was actually the first thing I did to differentiate the left and right forearms!! Maybe I am not as completely lost as I thought.. Quick question... how do I tell which is the left or right bicep pieces? I noticed one had an indentation on the inner bicep. Is that left?
  9. Thanks!! From asking around the most common starting point seem to the the arms. I REALLY want to get the bucket done, but probably should wait on that and get used to trimming first.. From what i hear that is the most complex and mistakes are more visible than anywhere else..
  10. Thanks!! ... I kinda feel like I am in a bit over my head. Anyone suggest a good place to start?
  11. Signed up through my local Garrison last week, lucked out and managed to get an MTK set. It has arrived!!
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