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Everything posted by Josafoot

  1. I figured the vac-formed was more about originality. I prefer the feel of cast helmets but the lightweight must be nice. Any thoughts on the helmet being odd shaped? I noticed other arms/leg pieces are not even close to symmetrical (screen accurate)?
  2. So I am not a complete novice but the Anovos helmet is my first vac-formed helmet; my other helmets cast resin. Is there any special care that these helmets need? I imagine they are prone to warping and heat manipulation. I also imagine they are fairly easy to crush, but harder to break when dropping? Is the anovos helmet a decent helmet? Material looks etc? I noticed that mine seems not round in the back. The lenses on mine are not flush with the eye pieces, I normally obsess about making my lens completely flush. I am also having issues where the velcro glue did not properly adhere to the interior helmet plastic. This is more annoying as it comes off once in a while and needs to be re-sized. This also happens with the lens and it starts to droop below the eyes. Just looking for some food for thought on this helmet overall. I think it looks good and needs some work (lenses flush, interior mounting system and maybe some electronics). Is there a reason there is a lack of cast TK helmets?
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