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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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  1. Saturday morning... not much time to work on the armor since we're going camping....and as usual they forecast rain for Sunday....


    Got my first E6000 tube emptied yesterday. I also picked up my 1 piece undersuit from the seamstress yesterday and I can open the front zipper from the bottom or top so that should fix the bathroom issue...


    Also, here are a few pics of my progress so far...




    Inner strips installed, ready for the 20mm outer ones but I need to buy more glue...




    This is the result of my fight with the forearms... I had to use roast string but I think I might have won that round !!!!




    Front inner strip installed on one thigh...




    Outer strip glued on the left or right shin (I forgot, I'd have to look inside..) Ready for industrial velcro




    A pile of armor...lol, trimmed and ready for webbing snap installation.... I did about 30 of them yesterday while wathing the movie Major LEague on Netflix....




    Chest plate with the outline of the shoulder straps.... Still have to form the straps and glue them...




    One of the shoulder...




    My messy work area... you haven't seen the garage... white dust everywhere...lol




    One finished shin complete with velcro fuzz..... I have to work on that... That Industrial strenght velco is a piece of work !!! Sticks pretty good !!




    Finished biceps...since about 2 weeks... needs some finishing and sanding. I bought 600 grit but I'll go to Canadian Tire for the 1200..




    That's pretty much it for now....still looking for TD clip options... 


    TK71445 signing out....Hopefully this ID will still be free !!!

  2. These days I'm in the gluing process !! Thighs (going well), chins (also goin well), forearms...(constant battle, these pieces need a vacation, they are too stressed !!) 

    I'm scared too glue the shoulder straps... The chest plate being asymetrical doesn't help... I'm trying to set it for 5 small ridges but then the big bottom one ends up sitting on 2 angles and I'm not sure how it will look...


    I got all my snaps, webbing,velcro and elastics at Fabriville and some 600grit paper. My big problem is the TD clips...1/16" aluminum is hard to find around here... I'm considering using a painted brass strip.


    Next big tasks: Shims for the kidney plate, bending the shoulder straps (ideas ???)


    For the shims, it seems to be OK to have 2 seams at the centurion level so I should be fine.


    Alright, supper time !!

  3. Salut Benjamin, bienvenue dans le groupe !!! C'est une publicité d'Anovos qui m'a amené ici il y à quelques semaines mais j'ai opté pour une armure AP. Si tu as des questions, n'hésites pas, il y a une quantité phénoménale de ressources sur ce site et les Troopers sont disponibles si tu as des questions !



  4. I did a bit of work Sunday and yesterday, finished the sanding and fitting, started gluing the inner strips for the legs. Also engaged in a fight with the %&*(%#$ forearms.... and a constant struggle with those magnets...Geez are they strong !! 


    Any idea to curve the shoulder straps ? I tried boiling water in a pan that I previously taped the straps around the outside but I'm afraid to leave the water too long..


    Off to work...Fire Safety doesn't wait...


    Have a good day guys and gals

  5. So I managed to finish ALL the trimming !! Tomorrow, sanding and fitting.... All my clamps and magnets are busy right now so that's it on the gluing side.. I'll finish the inner strips for the tighs tomorrow and I'll glue only one side of the forearms and let it cure for 3 days and glue the other side of the forearms after. 


    A lot of parts in the mail.... Neck Seal, Holster, trooperbay, belt and inner boxes so I'm at a standstill on that front..... I forgot, the TD !!! That will keep me busy for a couple of hours.


    TKTBA signing out for the night... 


    Jack Daniel's time !!!

  6. Day 4 or 5...who's counting !!! By working on my armor an hour here and there I managed to trim and sand the chest plate, back plate, ab plate and split the back in two...(The line is a tiny bit wavy but the belt should hide that...right ?) I also managed to glue my 15mm outer strips on the forearms and biceps. I did only one side since my magnets were in a plane somewhere !! 


    This morning I trimmed the tights and the fit good. After some sanding I'll be ready to glue them. 


    After removing the glue residue from the arm pieces ( a popsicle shaped to a point works great !!) I decided to glue the 2 halves of my first left forearm together. This was a disaster !! There is so much tension in the plastic that the clamps cannot hold everything together...




    I have to squeeze the 2 halves together !!!!




    Should I redo it with an inner strip ??? Hairdryer maybe to re-shape the inner forearm (the one without the dimples) so it will not be under tension all the time ??


    Ideas and comments are as usual welcome !!!!


    And then there is that issue that I was thinking to fix with a belt sander so the wrist part would be flush and equal ?? What do you think ?




    Alright...for now time to head to the garage and sand those thighs and prep them for gluing... I will be using 15mm strips inside and 20mm outside. I should be gluing the 2 inner strips with the 2 halves first (hope I have enough magnets...) and then apply the outer strips after


    Thanks for your input guys !!

  7. Thanks guys !! I did some more work today, I got the other arm trimmed and I started gluing the outside strips on the forearms and biceps but I ran out of clamps... my magnets should be in in the next couple of days. I also trimmed the butt, kidney and ab plates. I received my undersuit from Amazon...it fits a little too well....lol. I will also need shims since AP is usually for thinner guys ! 4È on each side should do the trick ! The problem is that I don't have strips that are wide enough...ideas ? I guess I can ask Mark when he comes back but would you know if anything is available out there ?

  8. OK... back at it !! I trimmed and fitted a bicep. This is how it looks








    U have the same issue as with the forearm where the edges do not meet perfectly. I am debating if I should trim the at an angle or leave them and the strip will hide them. Comments, suggestions guys ?


    I'll copy the same dimensions for the othe arm since they are from the same mold. I'll start gluing as soon as I get my magnets....


    Shoulder after supper ??? Why not !! Maybe with a nice glass of Old #7...but just one...don't want to screw up...lol

  9. OK..Day 1..Not much time to work on the armor in the last 2 days but I started this afternoon !! For starters, I'm 6' tall and I weigh #220 so I'm assuming that I will need shims for the kidney plate but I'll tackle that later. So I setup shop in the basement:




    I'm sharing the space with my daughter that loves painting (as you can see).


    I did some shopping for basic supplies, Home Depot, Michael's and Rona. I still need to go to Fabricville for the velco,snaps,webbing, etc... 




    Now for the fun part.... Just to get the feel of scoring ABS I started by cutting 15mm strips. After 1 hour I cut enough to do the upper body. I'll cut the 20mm later. I have a question regarding the strips: I was told that 1 outside strip is enough to hold the pieces together, what's your take on this ??


    I then tachles 1 forearm, I trimmed the 2 pieces (no left or right for these guys) and fitted them together. I did some sanding after noticing my bloody forearm....lol


    Here's how it looks. Should I trim to make the edges meet perfectly or the trim will suffice ??








    I'm taking a break now, I find it nerve wracking to trim !!! One slip of the blade and it's either my finger or a scrap piece of armor !!

  10. So....It was BBB day !!! Lucky enough, I got to pick up my armor directly at Mark's place (AP) since he lives 15 minutes away !!! I setup a table in the basement where I'll be quiet for the next few weeks... Purchased most of my supplies needed but a few loose ends remains... More shopping this weekend. I still have to buy my accessories but the undersuit is on its way from Amazon. A lot of trimming ahead of me... I'd like to upload pictures but I have to figure it out....


    Thanks guys !! There we go, BBB !!! 



  11. Hello everyone ! I'm actually in Pincourt, Quebec but it's easier to say Montreal.... I've been a member of this forum for the last 2 weeks and I'm amazed with the amount of information and camaraderie !!! I feel confident that if I hit a snag...and I will !! during my TK assembly that help will be a reply away !!!


    I am going for AP, since Mark lives 15 minutes away and also it is a great suit !!! I plan on doing the trimming but I do not feel confident enough to take care of the helmet just yet... I've done a ton of research on all the accessories and I aim for centurion.


    Anyhow, looking forward to troop with you guys !! 


    If the TK's located in Quebec have suggestions or comments, all are welcome !!






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