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Posts posted by Ryth_

  1. My workstation at this moment. Glued 1/2 of coverstrip on the last side on the last arm.

    Still working on the calfs... Made coverstrips for the front now. Will be putting coverstrips inside and out here.





    Glued more webbing plates. Still need to find that holepuncher so I can work on the elastic.




    Work in progress to adjust how I want it to sit on me. Still no idea how to finish the elastic at this point.


  2. Visit from my gfs family today, so not much work done. Also, armor workshop tomorrow is cancelled.


    I'm gluing the last straps onto the ab and back.. adding one more to each shoulder for connection to bicep.

    I guess I'll work on strapping back and chestpiece together tomorrow. Can't find that clever tool to make holes.. 

    26 days till deadline.



  3. @Loctius, @Gazmosis, @ukswrath:


    To mee it looks like mine button cover is bigger than those you posted. Becaue my edges is close to the rised edge of the armor, and 

    if I remove any more... it's no go.


    Anyway, thanks for all the help and good words on the way. Much appreciated!







    === Today ===


    Not working today, so more time for cleaning the house and working on the armor. Magnets are booked for strapping webbing onto the armor so I can test fit it.

    To me that's a good way to figure out what more to trim.


    Here's my working station... good lord it's messy.





    Also, doubletapped the buttons with a screwdriver, and they sit a bit better now.


    Off to make 20 more snap plates!

  4. Got photobucket to work again (chrome update messed it up), so here's an HEAVY update.



    Upper ab and back snap plates are done.









    Also glued plates on shoulder bells.



    1/2 arms are done. Magnets, magnets, magnets. SIGH



    Bought me this monster from Fiskars.





    Worked on the buttons. Pretty much ready to go... just want to check how much edge I want to keep.

    Will glue them on when I got magnets to spare.













    Today I'll add snap plates on ab and back for bridge connection.

  5. Good to hear, I'll finish the rest today then!


    Those smaller magnets was bought because I messed up the size.. didn't buy according to the correct diameter.

    And there's a lot of them in one spot because it needed more preassure. But yes, they are hard to separate, and they

    break easily. I might steal som fabric from my GF and make me some sachets.



  6. That's what I'm trying to do - wished I got more of my big magnets... that is now leaving me to only being able to do one arm at the time. Shins and tighs will be even worse. Got 30 pcs on it's way in the mail.


    You've got a great build going on Khaz!  :)




    I'm making snap plates on webbing - with 15 mm sport&camping prym snaps. Did one for testing now, and what it's "loose", like I can spin it around, but it has no vertical play. This is normal right?



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