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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK4546

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  1. Hey Perry, great to see you here, bro! His thermal det is painted gray with black bands around the ends near the end-caps. We don't use reflective tape in Singapore. LOL. Looking forward to seeing you and yr armor here soon! I know yr working on it!
  2. Awesome bro! You look fantastic in the armor! Thermal det looks good to me.
  3. Haha...Sounds like me when I was in FX. Time to look at upgrading then, bro. FSID is a great source of reference for making that choice on your next set of armor. At the end of the day, its personal preference. I know some die-hard supporters for GF and TE...and some guys who love their AP to death even knowing that its not movie-accurate. As far as my personal search has gone. I'm very impressed with TM for the same reason TKDUEUNO mentioned. Its just incredible how the suit has captured so much of the detail and exactness of the original! That's my next upgrade. We keep moving forward.
  4. FX was my first suit too. At that time majority of the 501st were using them, so I thought it would be the best choice. Having become more educated in armor since then, I've gone on to own several more suits...AP, TE, even a MovieFX among a few. I guess most of us go through phases. To me FX does have its place...its perfect for the heavier-set troopers who have difficulty squeezing into an AP for example. Just as I feel AP has its place for troopers who love looking like a 'more accurate' stormtrooper but with more symetry. To each his own, brother.
  5. Well said, TKDUEUNO! To me each suit is like a work of art. It stirs us visually and emotionally! I guess we're all questing for that work of art that stirs the exact emotions we first had when seeing stormtroopers for the first time on the big srceen. Remember the Tantive IV scene at the beginning of ANH? That just blew me away! For now, the closest thing I've come across is a TM suit. And the incredible thing being that it isn't a recast of an original suit but sculpted! I've got several suits right now but I'm hoping to get my hands on a TM - that will truly be my masterpiece!
  6. Its ironic that the imperfections of the original suit has now become the race for perfection - to become as accurate to the original as possible. In my opinion, TM still looks the most accurate to me...photo comparing part to part with ANH stormtrooper stills.
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