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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by TheArchdude

  1. Your best option depends on how much you want to pay. The TRamp system is a high quality all-in-one that includes all the bells and whistles but it's more expensive than other options. I've personally gotten along just fine with just a wireless mic and an Aker amp. Weigh the features you want against the prices of the different systems to decide what's best for you.

  2. Hey Allan, no. Though they're definitely getting better some of us still don't think these boots are up to par. I went back to tkboots, much better boot IMO.


    Edit: TKs blemish boots are A+


    Are TKBoots back in production? Every time I've e-mailed them they've said they still don't like their suppliers and they don't know when more will be available. 

  3. I ordered my pipe build kit in early February and just received it today. I guess they had to cast some new molds and the cold weather was interfering so it slowed things down a bit. It would have been nice to be informed of that, though,before waiting around for a month with no word. 

  4. On 12/30/2014 at 8:36 PM, jannick said:


    These would be better. Albert, not perfect, and not cheap.


    I saw those as well, but at that rate, I might as well buy from TKBoots for $20 less and not worry about modding them. My only issue with them is buying boots online without being able to try them on. I'm anywhere from size 10 to 11 US depending on the shoe manufacturer. 

  5. Hello, everyone. I've been a Star Wars fan for the full quarter century that I've been alive and making costumes has been a hobby of mine since I was a wee lad. Building a full set of stormtrooper armor has been my dream since I was nine, and I think it's about time I got that knocked off my bucket list, especially with the new movie incoming. Also, joining the 501st looks like a great way to meet cool people and do fun things.


    I've been perusing the Getting Started section for a few days, and it seems like either the ATA or CFO armor would be a good fit for me. I'm around 6' and 165 lbs, which I think would put me in the average size range for those builds.


    I am left-handed, which may be awkward for rifle-wielding activities where uniformity is required. If that were to be an issue, would it make sense to go for a scout trooper instead? I'm actually a bit torn between building a scout or stormtrooper armor as I've always thought the scouts are wicked awesome. 


    Anyhow, that concludes my greetings and salutations. I'm sure I'll be pestering you all with questions soon.

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