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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by TK21029

  1. Understood.


    You never answered my question regarding why this information wasn't disclosed sooner.

    Spilled milk man, don't sweat it. I've been watching your build and its great. I would wait for the level 2&3 CRL to be available to make the changes and meet them at that point. Other things like this may come up by then or after the movie is out.



    Sent from a galaxy far far away

  2. I would recommend drawing the line and using a dremel or thin sanding wheel engrave the groove in lieu of cutting the entire piece off. Then reinforcing the rear.


    Just seems to make more sense to me. It would also ultimately be stronger and more sturdy. That armor isn't the thickest to begin with.


    Would practice on a scrap piece to start with of course and only cut off if that's what I must do unless you have already tried that.



    Sent from a galaxy far far away

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  3. I had the military pads and they were def softer but the advantage of the knee pads is to be able to hide wires better and have a cleaner look. Also, the spongy type like the military pads can hold moisture and get pretty stinky over time and need to be switched or cleaned. The knee pads do not.


    They are still comfortable though.



    Sent from a galaxy far far away

  4. I actually make ANH binders for the guys in my Garrison. They close magnetically and are solid brass. Most of us have ANH TKs so having the PVC binders would be ESB or ROTJ. That's what made me decide to make them to be accurate. I made the 4" which are exactly like the movie but they are too big so I made the 3" for trooping and binding for photos. The 4" would be reserved for a Wookie if I ever run into one !!


    Darman has a set and is designing the holster as we speak.




    I engrave them for them as well as you see.


    Screen shot




    Sent from a galaxy far far away

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  5. I'm conflicted on my desire to get TFA armor. Here's my take....


    1. I'm digging the helmet, looks pretty awesome.


    2. Think the chest looks wimpy. There is no strong looking definition like a TK and some Clones.


    3. The overall look of it seems to depend a lot on your body shape. I have seen some that look way better than others when both had nice builds. It appears the taller and thinner you are the better it looks proportionally.


    I think my conflict is I really want to like it but the above mentioned items are troubling, especially the chest.



    Sent from a galaxy far far away

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  6. On 5/8/2015 at 4:16 AM, Dark CMF said:

    As you can see above, pretty much everyone attaches things inside of the helmet using Velcro.


    You can attach the Velcro to the painted inside of the helmet without any real difficulty.


    Here is a picture of the inside of my bucket when I was almost done with my recent upgrades:



    The inside was painted before anything was installed, Velcro is stuck to the inside of the helmet, and everything else is stuck on the Velcro!

    What do you have connected to your mic tips? I see the wires running to them and I'm curious.



    Sent from a galaxy far far away

  7. I was wondering if anyone else has tried making ANH binders. I never wanted to have the common PVC ROTJ binders when my TK is ANH.


    I set out to build a set and it turned out great. They're comfortably heavy and made of solid brass. They close magnetically and can be used for trooping. The entire set is solid brass but the magnets are gold plated (not expensive though). They also operate (swivel) like the movie.


    I do have a question about the possibility of insulating the inside if anyone else has ever attempted to make a set also. I have searched high and low and never have seen someone else attempt so I was thinking maybe if I post someone has. I am not sure if I should do it or not because they're pretty comfortable without it.


    I also used 3" (I'm certain 4" was used in the movie for Chewy) but with the 4" they're just too big to bind people for photos unless you find a real wookie or someone big like one haha


    Screen comparisons








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