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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Bloodhound

  1. It's been awhile since my last update, but due to work requirements I haven't had a chance to actually do much.

    But now that I somewhat have time, I have done some progress. Apologies for some of the poor picture quality.


    I did the belt before about a week ago, but forgot to take pics of it as I was doing it (bad me).... I do have a final completed pic of it.



    The forearms have been trimmed and started doing the cover strips for them.





    Then lastnight I did a rough trim and assemble of the Main body (Chest, Ab, Back, Kidney and Butt).





    And for everyone's enjoyment..... The job confused Trooper!


  2. ~~~~ Incoming Transmission ~~~~


    Progress Report:  Helmet


    The external works are almost done. Minor problems with painting and placing of tube stripes.

    All that is left is to get the lenses into place.


    (It is on wonky so I could see enough to take the picture  :D )



    The internal works are starting to come together, as the harness has been mounted and fans/batteries are in place.

    I have know idea how I've done it, but they way the fans blow is right across my face and the lens spaces.




    Admittedly it is a bit of an act to get it on, but once it's in place its good to go!


    Important notes:  Huge Thanks to Kris (Haso) for the help that he has been providing me.

                                 My finger has mostly healed from my blade cut.


    ~~~~ End Of Transmission ~~~~

    • Like 1
  3. After a long and I'll admit a somewhat impatient wait, I have finally received the coveted "Big Brown Box".


    I have already made a start on construction with the first Item being the bucket.


    I started with the eyes, by roughly shaping them.



    Next up I did the teeth. I started to use a file, but after about an hour of nearly no progress and a lot of dust....I pulled out the drill  biggrin.png

    As you can see I just drilled out the spaces. I then proceeded to use a file and hobby blade to even and take more out.



    I then moved onto the ears. Now this is where I finally added the blood into the start of my build, with the blade of my knife coming 

    loose and entering my finger...after clipping a knuckle on a different finger. Never fear it was bound to happen at some point in time.

    I mainly used a knife and the score and snap method to trim down the ears so that they fit. Aligned the pieces together and drilled the 

    holes for the screws, which went in rather smoothly.



     Preparation for Plasti-Dip was next on the list (after adding the brow to give it some character).

    I used blu-tack to fill in the teeth and tape over the edges of the eyes then covering the space to prevent 

    it from going further than needed.



    It is currently sitting about drying after 2 coats of spray. But during this time, I have trimmed the sniper knee plate and made a start on the 

    forearm trimming. Overall rather proud of my progress considering I started lastnight  biggrin.png biggrin.png

  4. The motion was brought up and seconded (on Terror Australis Forum), therefore motion passed (It helped that I found paints).


    So I've done some detailing and weathering.


    The scope.



    The forward flash port.



    The barrel and stock.



    The ejection port. (It looks better from a distance....so not this close  :)  )



    So I therefore declare this E-11 Blastech complete.

    • Like 1
  5. Now as promised here are the photos of yesterdays progress.










    Now for todays work.


    The scope and hengstler counter were mounted onto the rail.



    The rear site is glued and screwed onto place.



    The internals may not be the prettiest, but it will serve its purpose.



    This one is just because I thought it looked cool.   :D :D



    All that is really left on this is to just fill in some of the small gaps will putty and then paint it.

    I have also changed the screws to pins that sit in where the screw was, to still have that rigid spike holding it in place.

    • Like 2
  6. Now I have been quiet for a small amount of time, but fear not as I was not lax in my building. 


    I have been filling down the front sights to sit properly on the barrel, the trigger guard to fit in slightly better.

    The screw that sits on top of the mag housing and one of the toenail shaped things (the name escapes me) for the ejection port.


    I have also taped on the scope and hengstler counter to the mount and marked the spots to put holes onto it.


    I shall post pictures for you all when you can actually see them all properly....as they are hidden by the tape used to hold them in place.

    • Like 1
  7. Some more progress has been made on the assembling of my E-11. 


    A big thanks to Greg (CT Mac) for hollowing out the mag housing.  biggrin.png


    Today's task was to attach the stock to the receiver and glue the mag into the housing.


    The screws on the hinge of the stock will have the heads removed and the space filled in with modelling putty.



    The magazine I had to remove roughly 1 cm to get it to fit properly inside the mag housing. To do this I mainly used the sanding attachment on my rotary tool, after scoring a line into the mag of where I was sanding down to.




    On a separate note: What is suggested to stop my rare earth magnets from cracking apart?

    • Like 1
  8. A few other supplies that I've needed are:


    sand paper in various grits. I bought a pack ranging from 120 grit up to 4000 grit.


    Small glass jar and acetone to make ABS paste. Good for patching junkets areas.


    A snap setting kit. A leather punch for making holes in cloth such as the elastic strips and your belt.


    Metal ruler or cutting edge.


    Fabric tape measure. For measuring circumference and along curved shapes.


    there are also various tools I've had to use, pliers, hammer, etc. Usually for installing connection brackets and straps or rivets.


    Good luck!




    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


    Thanks for the tips. Most of it I've gathered and others I'm waiting on to arrive, but that said I had forgotten about the acetone.

  9. This morning was rather productive. I have attached the grip to the receiver and the selector switch to the grip.


    To do this I used a screw and 2 pins from pop rivets. The pins are toward the rear of the grip about 2-3cm apart with the screw at the front going all the way though the grip.

    (The trigger guard will cover the top of the screw hiding it from site.)  The pins/screw then got marked out on the receiver with a pencil and centred on the body.

    From there I drilled out the holes using a rotary tool. After that I was just a case of making sure that the parts sat as flush as possible, then giving it a light sand and glue into place. 




    None of my clamps would grip to the surface due to the roundness of it, but I had a trusty zip-tie and masking tape nearby to do the job for me.  



    The selector switch is held in by another small screw that is drilled into the receiver and switch then glued into place.


    • Like 2
  10. Some pictures of what I have done so far with my Doopy's E-11 build.


    I have filled and sanded down the trigger and guard so that they both fit in place.



    The trigger guard is only sitting in place, but the trigger is pinned and glued in. The trigger has a pen spring behind it so that it can be moved.


    The first lot of gluing was the Butt cap and D-ring. The mount for the ring had to be carved out a bit more to allow the ring to have a small amount of movement.



    My next step will be to mount the grip to the receiver, which I already have a rough idea on how I'm going to do that.
    I will be getting CT Mac's spare magazine replacement (from Gazmosis). He has also kindly offered to make the modification to the magazine housing, as I am nowhere
    near confident in my ability at this stage to make such a fine modification.
    On another note, My order from Trooperbay has arrived. Which contained 'S' neck trim, Dark green lens material, Split rivets and Chicago screws.
    • Like 2
  11. Are you using Photobucket?  You can edit them for image size, crop them, etc. right there before posting.  Nothing wrong with large images, though.  Sometimes the details help!

    Looks like you are well on your way to getting all your supplies in order, which will save you a TON of grief, trust me.  Nothing worse than being in the middle of a build and have to stop and go to the store or order something.  Also, VERY glad you decided to go with the E-6000.  I have seen many, many instances on here where pieces have been ruined by super glue mishaps.

    Looks as if you haven't got the rare earth magnets yet.  I recommend getting at least 10 of the round ones that are 3mm thick (no less) and 2 cm wide.  Be sure to wrap each one with blue painter's tape, as they can scratch your armor when removing them, (sliding them off works best, as these things are CRAZY strong).


    I wasn't using photobucket, I just placed them straight in. Large pictures do show more detail which will more than likely be beneficial later on.

    Yeah, I took all the advice on board and raided Spotlights entire shelved stock for their E6000 (which is the clear version).

    I have 20 of the rare earth magnets coming in the mail, so hopefully they aren't causing anyone to much grief as the come.

    • Like 1
  12. Not a huge update so far, but to a thanks to all those that have helped.


    My Doopey's blaster has been dispatched and is on its way.

    Also my Fan Bracket from Sly11 has arrived and looks great.

    Got a nice amount of supplies today from Spotlight and Bunnings.



    Elastic - Black 25mm x 2m

              - White 25mm x 1m

              - White 50mm x 2m

    E6000 (5 tubes...may have taken the stores entire shelved stock :D)

    Cutting mat (cause my table is slated)

    Black Nylon - 25mm x 2m

    Velcro - White 25mm x 1m

              - Black 50mm x 1m



    Ryobi Rotary Tool (115W, 115 piece)

    Respirator masks

    Sandpaper (3M Sandblaster 220Grit)

    File (Hart, Half-round, 250mm 2nd Cut)

    Mini File Set (Trojan, 10 piece)

    Rivet Gun Set (Craftright)

    Retractable Knife (Craftright w/ 3 blades)

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