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Posts posted by VacTrooper

  1. Hey guys! Been a long time (since i rock and rolled...)


    But anyway, I have been posting in other older threads (a long time ago, that is) of my helmet progress, and well, you know how I finished the cap and back? I have that part casted in... well, vacuum-formed HIPS. I just vacuum-formed the mold (effectively giving it a nice sand-down), popped the mold out (kinda ruining the plaster original in return, but it doesn't matter because the pull is pretty tight anyway), and Ta-Da!


    I have a lighter, tighter, and less in the way cap and back mold: These are the only two pics I could get off before my camera died...





    What to do from here? Well, I gotta know if it looks good to you guys, first! The next step? Make a final mold from this. Now, what I've been thinking of doing is spreading bondo on this inside, then maybe some fiberglass, and spread more bondo on top of that, and so on until I have like an inch or so of bondo and fiberglass layers. I might also add a wooden dowel that stretches accross on the inside to act as a handle for demolding... MAYBE. I'm worried that that idea will end up breaking the mold. What do you guys think, though, of my Cap and Back?? I'm sooo happy with the way this turned out. That plaster mold DEFINATELY was NOT solidly made at all, and now I have sort of a "welded" female mold of it. Now, I just gotta fill it with something. And I'd like to try to save my HIPS Female Mold of it, just in case my Male Plug Mold breaks or something. What do you think of my Bondo/Fibergalss idea for the mold?


    Dang, I love how this turned out.

  2. Hey all,


    Today I have been looking through a few of the post and have noticed there are about five people using the same avatar. The first time I saw this avatar, Troopmaster had it. Now there are about five or six people using it. Didn't know if there is a new hidden society that I am not aware of, or maybe the Matrix syndrome or are we starting to clone here and I didn't get the memo?







    Yeah, did Paul shave his head bald, and is everyone celebrating it or what? It's a funny avatar, BTW :lol:

  3. Speaking of WD40, did you know that it was a topsecret rocket lubricant used by the government during the WW2 era?



    Thanks guys! I gotta get pics here soon.


    I did NOT know that, Smitty. Learn something new and exciting every day! :D

  4. Thank you guys for the kind words. It was you guys, though, and many other people and forums who lead me in the right direction, and helped me get my suit up to par! And for that, I thank YOU! :D


    Looks like this guy is PUMPED to tackle this armor. I can't WAIT to see the results. I wonder how TM felt when he sold his first suit... I'm sure it's different for someone who made the molds from scratch.

  5. Yeah man, TJ is the way to go! Good stuff!


    Thanks. I like the pulls, too. I tried really hard to get that mold off the Abdomen mold. As for the Backplate... That was H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks if you dig what I'm sayin'... LOL

  6. Thanks guys! High Five! :D



    I can't wait to see your armor on someone thats of average to large size. You've done some impressive work, next comes the size range test LoL



    Yes, it'll be interesting to see the final product on someone of (semi) average size. My molds are huge, I just do A TON of trimming to make them work on me. :lol: Thank you. I might have to post a thread showing his build progress, too. MAYBE.... Well, that might be too much pressure for him. :mellow::o Nevermind. ;)


    Here are (a lot of) pictures of my setup, molds, etc. for those not "in the loop". I haven't touched this subject in a while.... :mellow:



    The Man Cave.... LOL






    Inside the mold closet...






    Oops, a little webbing... Might have to replace this one...


    More on the Next Post!

  7. Well, it's official!! :D I sold my first armor kit to somebody in my local area. He is hoping to get into the 501st with it. I have been told by a few individuals in my local garrison that my homemade armor is a decent contender for 501st approval, hence the reason why I have sort of a membership in the garrison until I'm 18... ;):P


    It ought to be interesting if he makes it in the 501st. That would be two of me! :lol:


    I should post some pics of the kit, as my armor kit has changed a bit over the past couple years. The changes are very small and slight, and there are very few, but they are there. I have yet to finish my helmet, too. :mellow: But it's chugging along.


    I'll post some pics when I can.

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