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Everything posted by sithstalker

  1. Sorry about that. My bad, just hit the wrong button before submitting.
  2. Hey guys and gals. My trooper armor arrived finally and looks like I need to some major mods to the armor. Not so much the details but the over all fit. This may include separating calves and trimming and re-gluing. Also the chest plate, abdomen, and butt plate are all one piece. I am considering separating them. Amy thoughts on what I should do? Also the thighs are way too big. Is there a good technique to getting the joint strips off after they have already been all super glued together without damaging the armor?
  3. Hey guys and gals. My trooper armor arrived finally and looks like I need to some major mods to the armor. Not so much the details but the over all fit. This may include separating calves and trimming and re-gluing. Also the chest plate, abdomen, and butt plate are all one piece. I am considering separating them. Amy thoughts on what I should do? Also the thighs are way too big. Is there a good technique to getting the joint strips off after they have already been all super glued together without damaging the armor?
  4. Hey forum wondering if anyone has ordered RS prop masters armor full assembled? I am looking to buy this early next week. I would just like an outside opinion. Also is PVC or ABS plastic the best for trooping? I have done some research and I am thinking about going with the PVC plastic. I'd just thought I would ask here before I went ahead on the purchase.
  5. I have looked for armor over the past few days and checked out some of the manufactures that were suggested on this forum. Most of them seem like kits that I need to put together. This is a problem for since I have no idea how to build armor and no work room or tools to do this with. I am willing to put in the work to building this armor, however, I just don't how to go about doing it. Is there a site other than the ones listed where I can find a full set ready to wear armor that I may only have to make minor adjustments, or should seriously think about taking a crash course in building armor. Being a college student I am always willing to learn new things, is there a class I can take on working with plastic or a some sort of specific stormtrooper armor building video that would be good to watch? One more thing I just don't wanna spend alot of money and than mess up the armor kit beyond repair so I have to get a whole new one. Can anyone help please?
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