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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by flinty360

  1. 16 hours ago, ukswrath said:

    Hey Mike hope things are going well. How's the build, still going or are you finished?

    Hey Tony, 


    Thanks for the prod, been meaning to write an quick update here on current status etc but lift sort of got in the way at the beginning of the year and even with the lock down I am now busier than ever (work wise!!).


    However, as far as the armour goes it is all completed, cleared and has had a few troops under its belt now, but I still have some upgrades in the pipeline that i want to get sorted:


    1. Add in the screw detail on forearm with an actual screw head, not exactly sure yet on the actual screw but it looks like a dome allen head?

    2. Sort a slightly different shape cod piece - possibly 3d print one?

    3. Review my voice / amp set up so its all within the lid and maybe even add the speakers to my lid?


    I've also sanded down and made some minor repairs to the abdomen section (the chest was rubbing on this so have added felt type material to underside of chest), the spats needed a bit of TLC and some fibre glass strengthening in a small area i had not covered as it was showing signs of wear after a few troops - tricky one as i want to keep the flex to get them on but maintain a robust, strong piece of armour.  I've recently made some paint repairs to the back section and biceps so its kept me busy when i do have some time in the lock down period and the armour looks all fresh and new again :)


    I've also created more fixings for the belt and added more magnets and Velcro to my knees - both are now solid and stay in place.


    I'm really happy with it at the moment and after those first few troops, making the changes to the strapping etc really made a difference so all pieces now stay where they should....however I am always looking for ways of improving it.


    Ill pop up some pics when i have more...


    Hope you are all keeping safe?






  2. Some minor improvements......


    As i said it quickly became apparent that after my first outing there were some changes required.....


    I had too many connections via velcro, I knew this would be an issue from building other TK's in the past- hate the stuff (velcro that is) but I just wanted to get this build over the line, it had been over a year to get to this stage mainly due to me losing interest at one point and putting it all in a box out of the way until i found my trooping mojo again and then breaking my shoulder (now almost fully recovered) meant months of nothing happening -  however all of these velcro connections were all swapped out where possible for actual snaps....


    The shoulder bells were sitting too low against the yoke so this is when i glued in place some abs supports.


    The yoke to bell connection was all velcro so i replaced part of the velcro with snaps on the bells, the velcro was left in place on the yoke end as this then gives me the option to change the size of the elastic piece - pulling in the bell if needed.


    You can see where the velcro used to connect in the pic below but now ive snaps in place, the small elastic then connects to the bicep pice - this then stops the bell moving to much and makes it stay in place better, it was all over the place before this!!



    Bell with velcro......



    I also glued a snap onto the inside of the bicep and the other part of the snap was connected to my gasket fabric, again the biceps now sit in place perfectly dont spin and are set at the correct height- cant find a pic at the moment of the gasket snap but ill take some and post up later....


    Knee caps were also improved as they are held on by velcro - was awful so have added magnets to gaskets and knee caps as well as velcro, both now very sturdy and do not move.


    The belt support again was not sufficient to hold the whole weight of the belt, boxes and pouches so as well as magnets ive also added a lot of velcro to the backside of the belt and also the belt support pieces on the abdomen section, again belt is now very secure.


    This is how it looked after a few of the upgrades and is the most recent image I currently have.....so we are pretty much up to date




    My next post will be about upgrades i plan on doing over the coming winter months to further improve things......


    stay tuned.....

    • Like 1
  3. Nice work trooper, looks great. 
    You may want to adjust your ABS tabs just to bring the shoulders in line with the armor. 
    Also if you use slightly shorter front straps on the shoulders it helps to rotate them forwards when you have been moving.
    Once again great work
    Thank you Sir....

    The pics above are from my first outing / troop in this armour....before any mods to the strapping were made and before I had added the abs supports.....

    It was pretty clear from that troop and my second troop that a few adjustments were required, not just in those areas, and your observations above are spot on....

    I'll post an update later today on the changes I made and see if I can find some more pictures of these...

    For now I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year....

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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  4. Terrific thread! It has been great to see the pics of you trooping in this with your fellow amigos. Looking sharp

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Thanks buddy...funny you mention amigos....there was a small build group around the same time and they called themselves the 3 Amigos...I was not part of that build group though....however I did help them kit up etc at a troop which was invaluable getting some insight into the same kit...

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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  5. The final push...............


    So after months of surface prep work, adjustments to various pieces and decals added I finally got to a position where I could get fully kitted up to see where / what I needed to adjust before putting in for clearance....


    this is how it looked














    Few minor dressing issues noticed that were easily fixed but apparently this was good for clearance so I requested through my local garrison....


    That was it I was finally cleared with a note to paint out the screws on my belt and to make sure the dressing issues were sorted....


    Now it was time to get out and troop, pics below are a couple form my first outing....






    So i was now cleared but there is more yet to come......I will update the thread next with improvements i made after getting a few troops under my belt in this kit as well as some improvements I am yet to make but have planned......






    • Like 4
  6. Happy Christmas to you all........


    Apologies for the delay in updates on this WIP things seem to have gotten away with me over the past week,  also many thanks for the very kind words on my build.....:duim:


    One thing i forgot to mention was some damage to my yoke piece - this was entirely my own fault as i was too heany handed with the piece of armour and caused one of the prong pieces to snap off!!! :6:  Unfortunately I didnt take a picture at the time as i was too annoyed, however after calming down with a cup of tea I set about repairing. 


    My brother works with composites and carbon fiber etc so he gave me some adhesive to use to glue the 2 pieces back together, this was clamped together and left to set for a day or so, next I set about filling the damage on the surface then sanding back to a smooth finish as I did before the damage occured - more filling, sanding, filling sanding etc.  At this point I also reinforced the yoke prongs with a thin layer of fibre glass, not too much so that they are solid and have no movement but also just enough to make sure they are stronger than supplied.  I should add that reinforcing the yoke earlier would not have made any difference to the damage as i was just too heavy handed...it was always going to end badly!  That being said if you have the same kit and yoke piece you should reinforce asap - the newer yoke is a full chest piece so does not have the prongs.


    The following image shows the underside of the yoke after I had repaired, added some reinforcement along with some other improvments - note the white plastic bits these were added after my first troop to stop the soulder bells from dropping - the bells now sit where i want them and improves the look, no more droopy shoulders.

    The small piece of webbing hanging down is my safety line that connects to the chest piece, as my chest is eld on by strong magnets I still felt the need to have a safety line just in case it gets knocked off or the magnets fail for some reason - would rather have it hang there than smashed to pieces on the floor!



  7. I should probably talk about my blaster - pew pew


    So i really was not sure on what to do about a blaster, not many people offering good quality kits that I could find initially so I opted for a 3d print from a seller on etsy - I believe they are also on here, the blaster came assembled and felt solid but the quality of the print was not great, see pics below




    this was not cheap either after P&P to UK, so my dilemma do i try to break it apart and sand down each part then fill, paint etc, or just look for a better kit to start with?


    At this time my youngest wanted a new blaster so i prepped this one quickly and painted it black and red (his choice of colours) for him to play and cos play with..he loves it


    So that was all great but still left me with no blaster and i was quickly getting close to finishing the build......


    I made some enquiries at garrison level and found a prop maker in our garrion who was happy to print me off a 3D F11D in kit form....fast forward a week or so later and another box arrived , I downloaded some instructions on line and proceeded to again hit up ebay for all of the required screws, allen screws etc to complete the build.  The kit supplied was amazing, quality wise with some of the finer smaller detailed pieces being printed in a much finer 3d print filament


    I also purchased some of this




    this spray putty was amazing, I sanded down each component part of the kit and sprayed it with this putty and it filled the surfaces brilliantly, was a dream to work with....afterwards it was a matter of some more sanding, filling and then painting up all the correct parts and figuring out how i was going to get electronics into my new blaster.


    I sat down and drew up a simple lighting circuit with a 9v battery, switch, capacitor and a few red leds, i soldered this together before installing (no way was i going to install then find out my wiring was rubbish) and it actually worked.....so now to figure out how to fit this to the blaster whilst building it!!!


    I fed all wiring from the rear of the blaster - the battery sits in the rear barrel behind the end cap, all wiring goes through the main barrel into the leds and also the switch which i fixed to the underside of the hengstler....final touch was to install a small led torch in the fornt end, you just twist it to tuen on / off










    think youll agree the finish is slightly better than my first?



  8. Main Strapping


    After altering the size of the AB section i cut six holes out at equal spacing on the rear (3 on each side of the opening at the rear) installed small brass eyelets to these and fed a simple shoe lace through - this then acts as a corset type fastening and just needs tightening then tieing up when getting the kit on.


    The harness was created by using some old large trouser braces - I cut the clip ends off and applied some snaps to these with the opposite ends glued in place on the inside of the AB section, I can then adjust the braces up and down as required and its pretty easy to get the AB section on then clip these into place over your shoulders. (cant find a pic at the moment so will post one later)


    Thighs - I created a suspender belt type system wit an old black leather belt and some elastics connected from this to snaps at the tops of the thighs - same as my OTTK works really well


    Finally some painting......

    So after getting to a point that I was happy with all of the cuts, trims etc I got straight into the final surface prep ready for primer and then paint - been a long time getting to this point...


    All of my painting was done over the summer (well if you can call it that in the UK), I didnt have access to a garage / workshop all of the time so alot was done over many nights in my garden after work or at weekends, sanding and then primer and once I was totally happy all of the minute pinholes had been dealt with I finally started to apply the gloss paint


    I would apply the paint then dry it out for a day or so then lightly sand back with a high grade paper 2000+ and then re apply another coat of paint, I did this to slowly build up a good number of paint layers, finally achieving the finish i was after.  I then left each piece to dry in our house (not the shed) - the wife was not amused - for a good week or so until i was happy the paint had hardened enough


    Various bits after painting





    Glove with decal applied







    next it was the final push to get all gaskets positioned correctly so i could then velcro these in place to the matching armour pieces and also finish off the decal application

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  9. After alot of cutting various pieces down, trimming and filling to get better shapes I had a quick kit up - with the all important tape holding everyhing in place, I really wanted to get a feel for where the kit was and to see what other adjustments were needed


    This pic was before I had finished the thigh shaping at the bottom and just before i finished the lid upgrades..no hard hat liner hence why I'm holding it in place



    As can be seen from this pic I went back and bought in my leg gaskets some more as they were still bunching too much




    Not a bad place to be in, now it was time to finish all of the strapping and then onto the final surface prep work before primer and paint


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  10. The belt


    As i said previously I purchased one of Darren's (JAFO) superb belt kits,




    come expertly packaged with all the screws, elastics etc you need to complete the belt - and a super trading card.


    I did a lot of research - checked other WIP threads in my garrison and also here on the FISD before starting the belt as i did not want to ruin it, my plan of attack was as follows:


    - Get torso / AB section to correct size for my waist - basically trimmed the armour down to fit me better - whilst leaving enougb space for move and flex.

    - Afterwards I stuck on some black ABS belt supports that a garrison buddy was supplying at the time - these basically velcro / glue to the AB section in 3 parts (Jims kit doesnt have tabs like others), and you can then use magnets or velcro matched to the back side of the belt to secure in place - I use both so its now very secure


    Once i was happy with the size around the torso piece i trimmed the belt to match making sure to leave enough material to overlap on the outside of the belt to cover the buckle that closes the belt on the LHS


    The buckle sits between the 2 pieces in the pic below but cant be seen if using the overlap piece



    All boxes in place - held in place with either screws through the rear of the boxes or the elastic supplied in the kit for the ones that hang down




    One thing i plan on doing (over the winter) is to make the boxes alot more square than they are (tidy them up) with some ABS and filler, ill then sand and paint again when it warms up so they are much sharper - Ill post pictures as i go and when complete on this upgrade.





  11. Great mod on the TD. Like you, I used a can lid to add the extra length. I took things even further by cutting out the strip on the back of the TD to make it more accurate to TLJ.


    The TFA TDS were solid resin and weighed 1.5kgs. For TLJ they completely redesigned the TD, cut-out the apertures and created a lightweight insert.



    Thought you might find that interesting!

    On cutting out pill holes, it’s not something you have to do and it’s not production accurate. The only holes which are cut are the chest pills.

    Won’t matter if you have cut everything already but a simple heads up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    Thanks, the little black strip is cut out (sort of) on the TD already and I've now got the decals added - pictures to follow

    Yes I cut out the calf pills and chest pills but stopped there after finding out they didn't need to be cut out - bit of a pain but not a biggy and I can always fill them again if needed...easy enough.

    The chest pills were interesting - again I'll post up pictures tomorrow

    Thanks again for the comments and guidance..

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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  12. Holster time......


    I was toying with the idea of buying one of R2Dan's holster kits (but if the wife saw another delivery in coming i may as well leave home) but instead decided to see if I could finish off the one supplied in the kit with a few additions (ball bearings, screws etc), until at least i can get a new holster ordered without her seeing :D


    I started looking around and found the pic below (think it was from here so apologies to whoever created this for using this pic here in my thread and many thanks also,  it really was a fantastic reference for me to work with)




    I spent a couple of hours on line tracking down cheap screws etc on ebay and in a few days had all the parts i needed. 


    My concern was when screwing these into the body of the holster that i was going to split the resin holster in half - be careful!


    Any how, this is what I started with, the top section was a metal plate that i prepped and then painted and stuck onto the main body of the holster



    An hour or two later and i ended up with this....



    Next on my list was Darrens awesome belt, I will post an update on this tomorrow now as i need to take a few more pics and want to do it justice, needless to say i was a little worried about wrecking the belt as i literally didnt know where to start...turned out i need'nt had been....


    Thanks for looking and any questions / pics you want to see that ive missed let me know..obviously still alot more to come....



    • Like 1
  13. Thanks Jayke, i was really happy with how it turned out...much better than the original.


    Forgot to add a bit on the calf / shin pieces.....so ill drop it in here


    As well as altering the the shape of the tops of the calfs I obviously had to cut out the pill holes...I found a template from another of my friends and made similar to line this up with the top of where the spat finishes ofn the shin (mark up the top of the spat line when trying on the calf with boots) then cut out the holes with a dremmel and finally fine tuning the shape with small files


    disclainer - the 2 pics below are my friends as I threw my template out before taking a pic but the same procedure applied to my shins for the pill holes....afterwards i then backed them with black gaffer tape shiny side outwards...





    more to come............

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Krisko720 said:

    It’s always impressive to see someone not only take pride and care in what they do, but to also put the same into how they package their items. It’s the presentation of the items as you inbox it that really gives you a sense of the person/company you’re doing business with. The little added touches are such a pleasure to see. And who doesn’t love patches and stickers!

    Sent from my iPhone using The Force

    Couldnt agree more....

  15. Gaskets,


    Ordered a set of gaskets from Theresa, and they are gorgeous..


    Come really well packaged with a lovely hand written note from Theresa and a patch....



    Also ordered one of her super neck seals




    The gaskets needed a little taking in as they were just too baggy when i tried them on with the armour, remember you need to leave enough fabric to attach to the armour (if that is how you are doing yours) but at the same time you dont want them to bunch up.


    The following picture shows how i ended up after the adjustments with the chest / shoulder gasket - the orange line shows you where they originally sat.  I also had the knee gaskets and elbow gaskets adjusted to fit me better, luckily my cousin is a dress maker and she loved the challenge of doing something different.  nice and snug even before i put my undersuit on...






    I attached the gaskets to the different pices of armour using velcro - theresa's come with velcro on them so its just a matter of glueing the opposite male / female velcro side into the armour.  Ill take some pics of the completed set up and post these later on.....



    • Like 1
  16. The lid......


    Straight out of the box it looks like this




    not a bad looking lid and there are a few things you can do to improve it....


    I wanted to replace the mesh - the moulded mesh isnt too bad but I felt the lid needed more work so iff i went with my trusty dremel removing all the bits I did not want






    Ended up with this




    Next taks was to find a suitable mesh replacement - a trooper buddy of mine had some spare tat fitted the bill perfectly, agian out came the spare ABS and i glued in place mesh bits over the teeth etc and then backed it with abs, I think it looks much better






    Next was the aerator, the one supplied is just wrong so it was either buy a metal version or see if someone could make me one?


    Supplied version



    Luckily a trooper buddy of mine was also looking for one at the same time and managed to convince his friend to 3d print some for us



    all that was left now was to sand, paint and install to the lid


    Aerator installed



    I then finished off the lid by giving it some final surface prep work, sanding etc then applied the priner and paint, pic below is before the lenses were installed, all black pieces are correct matt / gloss where required and all hand painted by myself








    Lenses installed



    I might tidy up the frown - slightly wonky on this lid and also tidy up the small discs over the ears in future



  17. So onto the TD (Thermal detonator)


    Ill be honest when i first looked at the CRL images I was a little confused then quickly discovered that the main CRL trooper image is wrong (I know both TD's were seen in the film but still...) so I followed the actual image in the detail of the CRL for the TD...just one problem both ends are not quite accurate on this kit


    This is what the TD looks like as supplied - apologies I dont have a pic of the right hand side detial but this also needed improving




    I needed to enlarge the LHS detail and build up the RHS leading edge also.......I was going to build up with filler etc the LHS then i had an idea, after checking the size i needed was basically the same as a rattle can lid, so i chopped one downand ended up with this...




    then onto the RHS, the edge was not large enough / deep enough so again i used a rattle can lid as a template and slowly built up the end piece then i removed the cap and filled in the minor imperfections and sanded down to get a good finish prior to painting




    • Like 1
  18. 58 minutes ago, JAFO said:

    The key to this kit is reinforce it where necessary but don’t kill the flexibility. Some have used too much filler etc and it makes it too rigid, and that’s when cracks occur.

    You’ve made a great start. Keep up the momentum!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    I agree 100% with this and anyone else reading if you have a similar kit this is brillaint advice.....dont kill the flexibility but reinforce only where necessary

  19. Other little details.....


    The biceps now come with the little raised bits on Jims new kit (I think thats correct) but mine being the older version didnt have these...soooooo what to do.....the answer came to me one night whilst eating pringles (I know once you pop you cant stop), the circular top was thin enough so i cut out some small strips from this and glued them in place :D well if it works.....




    I then filled in the cut out section on the inner calf pieces as below..




    Then the spats were cut open, re enforced as i said earlier with a thin layer of fibreglass on the rear, then I used a small piece of ABS to glue onto the inside with a magnet attached, drilled out the hole and glued the other magnet to the clip greeblie on the spat.....the spat can now be put on without the worry of it snapping and it clicks into place and is very secure




    All that was left to do was tidy the spats up with some sanding etc, then final filler, primer, then paint them....


    I also trimmed the top of the calf pieces as these were digging in when i tried them on and tbh looked too pointy, so i trimmed them to match troopers I could see on the film and also the CRL pic




    The thighs also needed a trim (they just looked wrong at the top and also the bottoms), so they were cut down to be more accurate and at the same time not restrict movement when walking








    this one is a little bit of a preview but gives you the idea of the shape i was going for




    • Like 1
  20. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone......


    Right, lets crack on......


    As i was completing the surface prep I should also mention that I was re enforcing some of the 'softer' fibreglass areas and some parts in general that I thought would need it - as I said previously the kit is great and very flexible but can be quite thin in places - I would recommend anyone using a similar kit to do this early on in your build.  I purchased a simple fibreglass repair kit from a local car store this had everything needed to complete any repairs or re enforcing (glass sheets, brushes, small mixing cup, resin, gloves etc) and is a good investment if you have the same kit for any trooping repairs you may need!


    The areas that I glassed for additonal support were:


    - Chest piece

    - Yoke - more on this later

    - Spats  - only a thin layer of glass as these need to move when putting them on

    - Calfs - again thin layer

    - Cod - see below

    - Forearms

    - Some small areas on the Abdomen section


    Hoping these pictures now show up as I am now usiung Imgur..


    Chest piece with additional glass for support



    Cod piece was going really well,


    Then a bit of a set back (not the worst set back that was still to come?!), my own fault, as i was sizing up the thighs to see where to trim i bent over slightly and the thigh literally sliced into the cod, luckily other than a damaged cod and my pride there were no other casualties!!


    Damage to the cod was a split in the fibreglass that i was able to glue and fill then sand bakc down



    I then glassed the whole rear of the cod and its now solid





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