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About Nikos

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  1. Thanks for all your replies guys! You've been of great help!
  2. Dear forum members, First of all allow me to apologize for the randomness of my thread but I find myself in need of guidance and advice regarding my quest of acquiring a proper StormTrooper Commander costume; one that will allow me to join the 501st Legion. My name is Nikos, 25 years old and I come from Greece. I intend to create a 501st outpost in Greece. After long research I have decided that a StormTrooper Commander outfit will be most proper for me and my likes. However, I have no idea from where to buy a quality set as I want to avoid cheap and quick choices that ebay or amazon offer. I am not so good at painting and hand-crafting therefore I would prefer to acquire a finished set. Do you have any suggestions for me, as to from where should I make my purchase? I apologize once more and I do thank you in advance. Regards, Nikolaos Taskos
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