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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by matty8393

  1. I have a lead on an existing AM/FX set but am worried about refitting it to me. What may be involve in a refit? The kit is fitted for a smaller person (5'5") and I am 6'. The other option is to just buy a new kit possibly AP or one of the new AM kits. I am waiting on pricing back on others. This is my first set so I am unsure of what may be involved, Any help and/or advise is appreciated. Thanks.

  2. My daughter is interested in a set of armor. She is 5'2" right now and I am sure not done growing yet. Is it possible that one of the adult sets would work for her now and as she grows with out a whole lot of modifications? Mom is 5'9" and I am 6'. So it is possible for her to put on another 7"-8".

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