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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by mikedwelle94

  1. Just sent in my application. There are a couple of things that stick out that might be cause for having to suit up again for a new set of pictures, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to get it done tonight and see what happens. Wish me luck.


    Front (no flash)




    Front (with flash)
















    Mexican day on the Death Star








    Bucket off  :smiley-sw013:



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    Mike, sorry to read you're giving away your helmet... I liked the badass look with the painted armor, but I think once you start you always want to improve, so that would be for the best. Have you anything in mind for a weapon?

    TM's ROTJ will be closer to the shape and proportions of what you see in the movies and the game, so replacing this ANH based helmet will help me sleep better at night. Hopefully there's someone out there who won't mind using it for their Shock Trooper (or whatever else, I don't care what they do with it once it's out of my hands).


    I figure the only two weapons acceptable to apply with are the DLT-19 and the T-21. I'm considering a scratch build of the DLT later on that'll consist of insulation foam, PVC piping, styrene, and miscellaneous greeblies.


    Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk

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  3. The weathering on that helmet is superb! I may have to make my TM bucket look more like that once I get it!


    You should totally do the rest of the suit. There's me, and only one other guy I know of, who are doing these troopers. Like I said on IG, the ROTJ grew on me over time. The thick black frown and the squished appearance of the helmet does look fairly different from what we're all so used to seeing everywhere - but having the red stripes and the freedom to exercise creativity in weathering is worth it. Definitely more fun of a costume to put together than a clean trooper, but that's just my opinion.


    Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk

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  4. After a long, hard look at this MTK helmet, I've decided I'm gonna get it as close to done as I can....

    *drum roll*

    ...then I'm gonna sell it.

    I've decided that an ANH helmet painted up as an ROTJ isn't good enough for me, so I'll be looking to get a proper ROTJ helmet kit from TM. This will of course drag out the rest of the Shock Trooper project longer than I originally intended, but I think I'll look better overall as a result of this decision. I might also swap out the FX ab plate with one from ATA or CAP-W later on, but that's not as worrisome to me right now.

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  5. I wasn't happy with the bondo job I did on the ear gaps, so I took the ears off and trashed em. Thankfully I have an extra set of untrimmed ears in a box somewhere that I can take my time on doing correctly.

    Overlap construction. Left arm pieces fit pretty well after I glued in a few foam strips. Hopefully the ridge on my left bicep isn't too thin to be considered a ding on my application, but I happen to have *two* extra halves of a left bicep I could use if this one won't work. (Scootch surprised me a lot of extra parts I didn't ask for 

    I rough trimmed the thighs, shins, right forearm, and TK knee plate after dinner ended and most of the family left. Hoping to make the edges pretty tomorrow and get (at least) the thighs glued together and clamped.

  6. Honestly I would just pick one configuration and leave it. From what I understand, and from personal experience, Plastidip has a bit of a texture to it. It wouldn't look like proper spray paint. And who's to say that there won't be any evidence or residue left behind, if you DO manage to remove it from all your parts. And there's quite a bit of red on this guy - the entire shins, knee plate, plastic belt, and knee ammo are all completely red. You'd also need a second pair of boots, btw. The Shock's boots are red too   ;)

    The hassle of switching back to a clean ROTJ from a Shock doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort. You'll have a cool costume regardless of which path you take.

  7. Quick update (no pics yet). I sent payment to TM for the fused ROTJ style kidney/butt plate and the correct belt material. Still waiting on a set of thighs from Germany, read recently it can take around a month with the cheapest shipping option. 

    Left forearm has been assembled and the back plate has been trimmed and adorned with rubber trim. Plugging away bit by bit, doing a small amount of something each day since the TFA hype machine calmed down.

    • Like 1
  8. Ok definitely going to try this even if i'm short. i've already got a regular TK done no point stopping now. and advice on spacing the top 3 squares on each side? measurements?


    i probably wont get this offically approved sadlly since i'll start with the Anovos TK and try and Frankenstein it later, atleast with handplates and back.


    Also you just use the same paint for the boots? i've never painted boots before and heard they chip easy.


    Edit: Sorry for rambling.

    From what I've heard, being short shouldn't be a roadblock to getting approved in armor as long as your plastic fits you well.


    I didn't measure at all during my painting - I just eyeballed it. The big red stripe should be twice as wide as the small red squares on either side of it. The squares shouldn't be taller than the gray traps.


    I would recommend finding paint specifically made for leather, but I used the same can of Rustoleum on my boots. Just make sure you strip the shine off with acetone first. You will actually want the paint to chip and reveal some black - it's makes for some authentic looking weathering, which this character has a fair amount of.

    Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk

  9. Did a little tinkering with the helmet on my day off.



    There were some annoying gaps after trimming the ears down, but I was missing the grinder attachment on my Dremel. So I decided to fill the gaps with bondo instead. Also tried to touch up the screw holes, but I'm not that confident with bondo in general, so I'm gonna call it good right here. Gotta let this set overnight and sand it down by hand tomorrow. Should look like a proper ROTJ helmet after that bondo is hidden by some white paint!


    A few more parts are on the way. Should have them by Tuesday. Still waiting to hear back from CFO about my kidney/butt.

    This build is going to incorporate parts from so many different vendors.... 

    MTK helmet,

    CAP-W chest, shoulders, forearms, right bicep, shoulder straps, knee ammo, handplates, knee plate

    AP back plate, 

    ATA thermal detonator, shins, left bicep, 

    FX abdomen/cod, belt,

    MC thighs,

    TM kidney/butt


    It's a Frankenstein of sorts. I was originally going to do a second Death Trooper, but I changed my mind without much deliberation after I tried Battlefront... :laugh1:

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  10. Hell yeah, the more the merrier. Feel free to post up some of the pictures you get, either here or in a separate thread. I could use the reference, and it would be much appreciated. 

    Won't be long now before this is an established 501st costume and we start to see more people painting on those red stripes  :)


    I agree, stay away from working from the figure. The game itself provides good enough reference.

  11. ----------


    Mask it off like I did, and you should be fine. Dab liquid latex or toothpaste on a few spots to simulate paint chips. You can use an x-acto knife to cut the tape, taking care not to scratch the plastic. Scuff the areas you want red with some high grit sandpaper, do a light coat, wait 15 or 20 minutes, then do another coat. Leave it alone for a few hours after that, then rub off the toothpaste or liquid latex - some people won't touch it for a week, but I don't feel like that's necessary. 


    Testors enamel paint markers are also wonderful for adding extra little bits of "battle damage." Dabbed a little white with the marker on a few spots and no one can tell the difference.

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