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Posts posted by FullFrontalNerdity

  1. Ignore my previous posts! I 've completed a fresh ABS helmet, and tried for a pretty high quality paint job etc. I am a stickler for detail. If interested the photos and my little tutorial can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/SarahSeabee/media_set?set=a.10200954154873714.1073741827.1161372835&type=3

    polite critiques are welcome  :) I will be switching the tube stripe decals to paint as soon as i recieve my blue paint.1016277_10201136228265435_1408306755_n.j

  2. I'm not sure what a sealing iron is...I'm very new to all of this. Think a hair straightener might work? I could test it on a scrap piece. Great advice! Thanks Ingrid. It does look like if i trim any more, It wont meet the cheeks properly, so I have not as of yet. I also had to assemble it with screws only, the rivets were not working very well. I'm not sure if that will discount me from entry, but I'm making a second helmet anyway so ...

    Very grateful for the responses! I know the 'new people posts' might be somewhat bothersome.

  3. Hi there. I'm Sarah, and fairly new here. My first bucket I purchased was an ebay recast from Makerofthings. I know better now, and have purchased a nice ABS ATA helmet, so let's move beyond the scolding to my actual question.

    The lower back edge of the helmet seems extremely irregular on my pull, and I don't see a single reference of anyone cutting that back lower edge. Is this correct? I know the black rubber trim will go on it, and make it much better, but I'm just not sure if my edge looks correct. I feel like it should be a solid curve intowards the neck rather than that curve plus an added little flip out away from the neck again. I've attached photos. I'm having lots of trouble finding references of DURING the trimming process, which I feel is the most important/easy to mess up step. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've included a shot of my facepiece, which thankfully isn't too bad a pull and trimmed pretty easily.



  4. Hi all, got a little update for you. (disclaimer: I am aware this is a crappy recast with low detail. it was an early mistake and I've purchased an ATA bucket since then.)

    -I made it to PhX comicon and got way too shy to introduce myself....also distracted by the 8' tall wookiee, OMG. Great costume. You all looked wonderful, Dune Sea, MEPD. Nice turnout. I am in no way surprised that the Star Wars nerds are the cool kids at a comicon. ;) Went and hung out with Wil Wheaton and Nichelle Nichols, looked at the art, and then the fire alarm went off. Whomp whomp.

    -I have started assembly! Finals have ended, I figured out my dremel now that I have spare time, and trimming is going REALLY quickly. I hope to have my HIPS ANH bucket done by two weeks from now (waiting on some parts that never showed? ) and the ATA helmet...at some point, it got mailed to my brother because he has better trimming tools and it's thicker. So I'll have two buckets.

    -My budget is a bit thin as previously stated, so I sold my tv..and that money is going to finish my sleeve. So we will see when I can dish out the clams for the rest of the armor and supplies. I do have the under suit and a few other things but it's the actual pulls that are costly. I'm trying to start up a T-shirt/poster/sticker store online so here's hoping for some extra income. [nobody cares about art these days *stompstomp]


    this is huge sorry.
    ok sorry about the mugshot, only photos ive got atm.

  5. In an effort to keep those curious updated:  I'm about to purchase a better helmet from ATA and use the flimsy one as practice/halloween/drunken party gags. I foresee playing cards against humanity with it on ;)

    So! New helmet soon, I'll try to meet the DSG guys at PHX comicon (wearing the shirt pictured left) and I got a bit of bad news as well, and will have to ask my roommate to move out for a bit. That being said my budget is officially pinched and right out of the gate I have to put a pause on this new project. The helmet is all I will get to do for awhile. I'll stay on here and keep learning in the meanttime.

  6. I'll definitely be at Phoenix comicon , as i become more aware of the date, I'll let you know. I'll be wearing the shirt in my picture, for SURE!

    The helmet kit I bought is and ANH white styrene cast from a movie prop, I think 15mm thick they said. I dont have the money or knowhow to cast my own as much as I'd like to, but I looked at the photos and the detail is CRISP, especially around the mouth and frown. I'm anal-retentive about that stuff, even when I used to paint pewter models for tabletop stuff :) Next step is figuring out what all I need , since it only comes with ears front and back.

  7. Hello troopers!

    I'm a 24 year old Afghan vet (Navy Seabee), and I live in Phoenix AZ at the moment. I'm attending the Art Institute of Phoenix for graphic design but my real love is sci fi concept art, Ralph McQuarrie style.

    I'm a short (5'2) female, slim build, looking to start a basic Stormtrooper costume, before I expand into bounty hunters and the like. Baby steps. I've never had a decent costume before and I'd love any advice!

    I've attached a shot of my mug. Any takers willing to advise me on putting a nice shiny white bucket on it?

    As for background, I'm originally from central Connecticut, and spend a lot of time in Downeast Maine. I served in the US Navy as a Seabee (Carpentry and concrete) for 4 years and I'm currently in the reserves since my active duty tour is done. I've deployed twice, and love my troops like family. HOWEVER....my first military was always the Star Wars universe military! I grew up on the films, and as a girl with a brother 18 years older than her, my childhood was steeped in Sci Fi of all kinds. I'm also an artist, and love more than anything the original concept art for the movies. Avid gamer and animal lover, fairly covered in tattoos (none that would show when in costume, even with bucket off) and pretty addicted to Tacos. I currently live in Glendale, Az. What else needs to be said? Please respond. I'd love to find my nerd family, since I know noone locally, and I'd enjoy putting on a uniform again.

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