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Posts posted by kennyo21361

  1. Hello All,


    I've actually been posting a little on here for a few days, but haven't actually introduced myself.  I'm Ken from Washington, D.C., and I want to be a Stormtrooper.  I will be starting my first build after getting back from vacation next week and hope to work with that armor and adjust it properly for it to be up to 501st standards.  I understand that the Old Line Garrison (any of you folks here?) includes DC.


    My armor purchase was a little bit of an impulse buy, but I have been wanting to do this for many years.  I see and hear about all of the charity and fundraising work that the 501st does, and that just moves me and makes me want to be a part of this. Costuming can be magic for those in need, especially children; I work with kids every day and they're blown away every time I dress up as anything (and my most common costume may or may not be ROTS Obi Wan...).  I'm hoping for many years of being a "bad guy doing good" to be ahead of me.

    In the meantime, I'm having great fun reading lots of interesting stuff in the forums here, as well as checking out whatever build guides and tutorials I can find....and looking for these incredibly elusive boots...




  2. Hi Andrew,


    Nice to speak with you and thanks for reaching out.  I'm sorry this has caused so much confusion -  I've spoken a whole lot with your garrison mate as you know. After doing all the research the other day, I was excited to think I might have a set of your armor that your wife wished to share with the world, but I guess I just have one of these other sets from the same warehouse.  I don't see your name anywhere on the kit or with the packed materials, but I am pretty sure it is all the same quality stuff from the same lot.  I hope this should be a good first set of armor for me, and regardless of where it came from, I've found a lot of meaning and inspiration in your story and the enthusiasm your wife had to share this community with everyone, and its with that meaning in mind that I'll construct this kit.


  3. Like another fellow who just posted here, I recently obtained armor from eBay; my first kit of armor.  I know that is a  big "NO NO" and I may catch a lot of flak for it.  Spare me the lectures, please.  For others reading, I in no way endorse eBay as a source for armor.  This is a learning process for me.

    I had perused eBay for armor here and there over the past several years and had some unpleasant message exchanges with the likes of "trekfreek" and "makerofthings!" and knew they were shady or their product was trash.  Then I found this set that I bought - not perfect, but in the midst of a young-professional life crisis, I just said "screw it," made a bid, and won.

    Anyhow, I just took lots of pictures of the armor (arrived today) and wanted to share them and hopefully get whatever advice I could on assembly, what needs to be changed, whether I should just return it, melt it down, etc.  This is FX armor, and a peculiar set at that. (I am attaching a link to a web album of the pictures.)

    Then I found these posts:






    So, seeing that this is where the armor came from at some point, and that Andrew intended, after the fact, to sell this armor at a reasonable price to share his wife's joy with others who wanted to get into trooping, I am going to go for it and build it.  I've been consulting the guides on the 501st website for the TK armor.


    These are the photos:




    ANY feedback, suggestions, etc., you can give would be greatly appreciated.  I have captioned most of the photos, too.


    I went with the FX armor made of ABS because of price and size - I have a larger head and I know the FX helmet runs large.  My ultimate motive for getting armor is to connect with the 501st and get involved in all their charity work.  I love fundraising, volunteer work, etc., and I know what joy a cool costume can bring some people.


    I'm a little worn out - I hope this post makes sense and isn't too long-winded.

  4. that is very interesting........ i will look into that... than you for that info....but my stock is almost depleted and so i'm glad to be done with this... I will be working on a memorial patch for my Mandy.

    I just read through this whole thread. I am sorry for your loss, and I think your effort to get armor out to those who want it is a noble effort, from both a potential charity aspect as well as a hobbying aspect.


    I just ended up in the ownership of my first set of TK armor (yay!) and I think it is one of your FX-M kits - the kit has all the characteristics you described and the PDF of instruction that accompanies it lists it as FX-M with a header in memorial of Mandy.  I did come across the armor on Ebay, and it must have been re-sold by one of your prior buyers, as it was shipped to me from the UK. Regardless, I'm excited to get working on it.


    Best of luck with the memorial patch.  Certainly let us know when it is available, I would love to get one and contribute whatever I can.


    jnnfr72, on 23 Jan 2013 - 11:01 AM, said:snapback.png

    I don't know. Sorry. Nobody's perfect. Can't we turn this into a "Hey - we're the FISD.. and we'll help whoever buys these less than perfect suits into a 501st approvable suit. We want to help, cause it's all about Troopers helping Troopers."


    As for this - would love whatever help/advice is available.  Was going to post on a different area of the forum with pictures, etc. of the kit.

  5. Sometimes you have a few too many drinks, a bad day at work, and end up the (un)lucky winner of this armor.


    Gotta start somewhere.

    Let this not be a time to cast stones at my young soul, nor an airing of grievances as to the ramifications of purchasing armor on eBay.

    How frakked am I?

    I'll also note here that I did do *some* research before hurling my hard-earned dollars at this.  I'm quite the tall guy, with a very large head, and I've been led to believe that FX armor is more suiting for persons of my size.  I will also, in all likelihood, wear this armor (when finished, if I do go through with the build) a lot in the presence of children, and hope I can get a little more durability out of it.

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