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Everything posted by ZagTrooper

  1. duly noted. why is it that 501st/FISD sellers arent more common on ebay and sell the good stuff as regularly as these schmoozers? (RS, ATA etc)
  2. The car guy in me bows to you sir. One day the bimmer will have a mopar to park beside
  3. True but think about the possibilities for after filming wraps and they sell off the costumes, albeit expensive we the public could get our hands on new armor if they do indeed tweak with it. new CRLs would follow and someone would no doubt cash in making the new armor. BTW Carrie Fisher confirmed for Ep VII.
  4. It will be a while before I can get my shiny white armor in that big brown box and ive been wondering, is there a way to "hone your skills" so to speak? like some kind of i dunno "practice armor" or other similar yet that can prepare me for the big build so that when i get the armor it wont be all aurebesh to me? Granted I will be able to get incredibly helpful advice from you fine people
  5. oh thats not very good at all. jeeze and i thought that because they had a 100% feedback on thievebay they might be alright
  6. Just stumbled upon this, looks like a possible recast i cant tell for sure. What do you guys think? would it be a good buy? 501st approvable? or stay away like the effing plague? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/STAR-WARS-STORMTROOPER-SANDTROOPER-ARMOR-PROP-KIT-WITH-HELMET-/181093197869?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a29fee82d&_uhb=1#ht_500wt_1288
  7. all valid points i guess, although I wonder though, IF and at this stage its still a pretty big what if, the original trio (han, luke, and leia) are in the new film together, should they pick up somewhere in the already established EU? (which could be proven interesting) or a new story arc that fits into the OT? I mean if its an EU story, great we got some Star Wars and depending on where they set it it could be pretty fantastic, I mean i remember reading the thrawn novels as a kid in elementary school and could never put the books down! However, if they come up with a new story arc I sure hope it will be a well thought out plot and be easily identifiable to being connected to the OT. Personally I've really enjoyed JJ Abrams work such as LOST, Fringe, even the new Star Trek Movie (feels wierd to be admitting that on the Imperial interwebs XD) and I feel he's proven himself to be worthy of the SW franchise. I will say though, I'm interested in seeing who will write the score for the film, John Williams or Michael Giacchino.
  8. So as many of you probably know by now, Harrison Ford said he would be reprising the role of Han Solo in Episode VII and that there would be a young Han Solo film to be made along with a Boba Fett film set in between ESB and ROTJ. Now having just finished reading Death Troopers for the first time I was decently impressed, and once I heard that Ford would be back I kinda thought, "huh, they should make a Death Troopers movie!". I mean it's a given that Star Wars and Zombies is a bit of an odd combination, but seeing how zombie films and TV *cough* walkingdead*cough* can be done so creepily well nowadays it almost seems like it could be a dead ringer (pun not intended lol). Plus Movie CG has improved alot since RotS even though it was only been 8 years and the storyline is pretty solid. They could cast a "Young" Solo, and have Harrison play an older Solo telling Leia at the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War about how before he got involved with the rebels he and Chewbacca got out of going to Imperial Moon Jail because of some freak accident on their prison Barge and ending up on a zombie-infested Star Destroyer. However since it would be a "Solo-centric" film I would still wanna somehow see the original main characters from the book (Trig and Kale Longo, Dr. Zahara Cody) be significant characters, not just Solo's lackeys. That being said, one thing is absolutely nessecary if this film really got green-lighted; Since the Empire will obviously Antagonists in the film, and we know there's gonna Stormtroopers IT BETTER BE REAL ARMOR. the CGI Clones were cool and all and done very well, but I mean if there's gonna be TK's around its just gotta be guys in real tangible armor, that's how we remember them. Btw I would highly reccomend the book, read it, or listen to it off of youtube if you have to. But seriously, what do you guys think about the possibility of this being one of the next Star Wars Films?
  9. middle bucket looks like an MR/eFX hero. maybe the new one?
  10. lmao, the second one is good too. but vader with a gun? i dunno bout that. Should have been an armored officer .....wiith a moped engine powered walker!
  11. Saw this on youtube. Jaw, dropped, now this is on my bucket list. except have guys dress up as rebels too ahahaha. i think a new video is up of these guys too in a bigger game. Imagine a star wars mil sim paintball club, that would probably be the most epic thing ever.
  12. ahhhh okay i think i got it now, thanks guys! i think when i get the chance ill go for the HDPE or PP version for sure. I mean the clean ABS look is good and fine but theres just something about the PP version that has more grit almost that i kinda like
  13. Okay I just might go with HDPE, I don't mind painting it at all. Also do these helmets flex moreso than ABS or PVC? I remember the rubies TK bucket I got for Christmas as a kid that was absolute trash cuz it caved in on the sides after a few years to the point where you can't even put it on your head. God it was terrible, I tried stretching it and wearing it but it split right at the bottom up the front of the right ear almost touching the top trap :S Suffice it to say I want a good bucket
  14. Hey, I'm new here to the forums (but ive skimmed over a few threads from time to time) and I have a question. I plan to put together an ANH stunt together and I want to go from the top and work my way to the bottom (Bucket first, then armor etc.). and I've found that RS props makes a GORGEOUS stunt bucket and you can get it in HDPE. Now what are the pros and cons of this material compared to ABS, or PVC, durability wise, how well it holds up to trooping and whatnot. apologies I'm pretty green to this hobby lol Cheers.
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