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TK Droid

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by TK Droid

  1. You just need a rivet deep enough to go through the 2 layers of the plastic. It honestly doesn't matter what material they are made of. They just hold the helmet together and are hidden under the ear anyway so you'll never see them.


    thank you very much :smiley-sw013::vader2:

  2. hi my name is Greg i'm building my TKC helmet as we speek. my question is what rivits should i use for the helmet? PandaTrooper specifies 1/8 TH rivits, but i need to know what length of rivits ( 1/8 TH, 1/4 , or 1/2 ? ) and what material ( aluminum, steel, or stainless steel? ).


    thank you :smiley-sw013::dance:

  3. hi, my mane is Greg:


    i'm planning to make the TK Commander


    for my entry costume into the 501st.


    i live in Canada, so i'll be joining the Canadain Garrsion.


    i have ordered the ABS ANH Stunt helmet and the ABS ANH Stunt hand plates.


    i was wondering which tipe of painte should i use when i'm paniting the blue on?


    thank you.



  4. All kits can be converted to be ROTJ based, it's just that some will take more work than others.


    Most notable is ensuring that you detail it correctly as you build it which isn't really that much more work. In the end since you're doing a TKC the key detail points are the ab plate button/details, the door trim on the armor parts, and the narrower belt.


    Since you're doing a TKC these mods really aren't that much more work when you're starting from scratch, so the maker isn't as big a deal compared to doing a clean white ROTJ.

    ok thank you
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