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Everything posted by NinePoundHAmmer

  1. Wow thanks for the responses everyone! I had a feeling this wasn't going to be the real deal. Ideally I'm looking to recreate a tropper from Star Wars. With someone who has a flexible budget, would it be a bad idea to look into purchasing a kit like this just to practice building and cutting on? I'd love to eventually become 501st approved but before investing in a really quality replica suit would love to get some practice with assembling a suit. Thanks!
  2. Hey all, I'm looking to get my first suit together and I came across a few kits on Ebay I was wondering about. The seller had a few of these auctions up: http://www.ebay.com/...ME:L:OU:US:3160 It says they are 501st approved and made from 2.5mm ABS plastic. Are these actually any good? Want to make sure I'm not ordering cheap plastic that will break in two seconds. Any feedback is much apprecaited. Thanks!
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