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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by vt357

  1. Nice work on the M-19! Good job with the metal folding stock too - very clean metal work. What did you use to cut the aluminium? Just the dremel cutting wheel?


    Thanks guys. I've got a couple different types of metal shears that I used for the most of the metal work. I used the cutting wheel very little, only on the very thick bar stock. The sanding drums did come in very handy though.

  2. This is the ultimate took way too long project. I first started this blaster build in January 2007 after I first saw the 501st march in the Rose Bowl Parade. I nearly finished it that then, but it ended up in a box. I'd pull it out every now and then to start working on it again. Then about a year ago after I officially joined the 501st with an ANH Tusken I pretty much tore it all apart to start over and make it more accurate. Once again it ended up in a box until recently when I FINALLY finished it. So I have a problem, I am a perfectionist. That's why it took me 5 years and a complete tear down to finish this thing... lol. But I finally had to say screw it, it will never be perfect, I just need to get it done. So I finally did.


    I won't go into too much detail b/c it's a pretty standard scratch build using the BBC templates. The only piece on this blaster that is not scratch made is the pistol grip which is from a real sterling smg. To build the scope I bought a cheap pair of binoculars. I added the glass lenses to the M19 pvc/funnel scope. I also backed the large lens with a printout of a sight reticule (a photoshop mix of two of the ones posted here on FISD). I added a rotary switch on the side of the scope and a red LED behind the reticule. Wires run from the scope and down the scope rail into the body of the blaster. The batteries are in the magazine. For T-track I used rubber from a garage door seal. I know plastic is more screen accurate, but I prefer the feel of the rubber.


    Finally let me say a few blasphemies. I can't stand the look of a hengstler counter or power cylinders on an E-11. [ducks beneath the incoming blaster fire] :shok:


    On to the photos:

















































  3. I haven't built a TK bucket yet, but I put a hard hat suspension in my Tusken Raider helmet. In the second Tusken helmet I'm building, and in a future TK build, I will not be using one again. It has some benefits of allowing airflow around the top of your head. But it's annoying to install and get in the right position so that everything sits at the right level. I'll just be doing the old method of foam and chinstrap. But I have a big head, so you might have better luck. :lol:

  4. I posted this way before I painted my armor, so for me, this is a moot point, however, excellent advice Panda. I went with Rustoleum, and it turned out awesome. I wax it with turtle wax, and the shine after a good polish is amazing.


    Sorry to necropost. I was curious how your rustoleum paint job has held up after a year of trooping? Would you go that route again?

  5. It would probably be very helpful if there was a place for troopers to post their height and weight. Possibly either recommending it be listed in their signature or a spot in the mini profile beneath their avatar. Obviously it should be optional, but I think it would really help new people trying to pick the type of armor to buy. Some kits show a lot more black areas than others and a lot of that is dependent on height. Most people don't seem to post that info in their build threads (I'm assuming b/c they don't think of it and not they don't want too).

  6. I actually created my account almost 2 years ago but never posted anything, did lot's of reading though. I figure it's about time I actually say hi. So hi, I'm Chris from Virginia, and I'm addicted to Star Wars.


    I'm currently building an OT tusken raider :tusken_icon: but am slowing collecting parts for a future TK build. I actually picked up an MRCE helmet and got about 90% done with my scratch built E-11 a couple years ago, but I never finished it. Once I get my tusken approved I'll get going on the TK again. :dancing-trooper:

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