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About TheDude93

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  1. Lets get this out of the way. I searched for threads about Death Troopers and could not find what I'm looking for. I read all the 'newbie' topics about the different types of armor. I'm hoping I posted this in the correct thread. If I did not, very sorry. About me: New to costuming, well, at least armor. After attending Celebration VI I decided I really wanted to attempt a Death Trooper. I had tons of fun hanging out with different garrisons while I was there and really like the aspect of the charity work. I found out at Dragon*Con that a Death Trooper can't troop most events but if I'm going to invest a large amount of money I'd like for it to be a costume I really love. In my opinion that is what costuming is all about. I'm 'typical' trooper height/weight. 5'11" and 165 lbs approx. From what I read, I believe most of the armor should fit me quite nice. My real question would be, which armor would be the best for such extensive modification? Since most pieces will be cut drastically I need something that can hold up once heavily modified. I don't want the molds to break once the original structure is altered. I'm going to assume an ABS armor set will work best. I'm sure there are many of you that own multiple armor sets, so I thought I would ask your opinions before I purchase a set and get buyers remorse. For anyone who might be unfamiliar I've added a------of what I'm planning to attempt. As far as my face and 'bloody' parts, a good friend of mine is a special fx guru and has agreed to make all the prosethetics. I'm attempting to re-create this figure accurately. ------------ Thanks for taking the time. I live in the Atlanta area, where I also own a bar. If anyone is local I'd love to discuss in person and would be more than happy to buy you a beer(s) and a burger!! I'd also like to add that this is a fantastic site and resource!!
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