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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Looking for advise. I have absolutely everything except the main armor set. I wanted to go with AM armor but got an update email today stating that the order and release date has been pushed back indefinitely. My second choice was RT-MOD but there backordered all the way to the beginning of 2014. Ive heard that ATA may fit with shimming, there waiting list is 6 months. Was also looking at at contacted T/MC. I could have an armor set from them 1-2 months. The post above this has my measurements. Could a T/MC set be made to fit? Or are there any other recommendations on what I could do? Thanks.

  2. Received my ATA helmet kit yesterday. Hopefully start on it this week. Also found foam padding for it.

    Have been looking at the interior pics or other helmet posts and have noticed that alot of people paint the inside of the helmet black.

    Is this just for looks, or does it make it harder to see the inside of the helmet through the lens?


    Also trying to find fans for inside the helmet. Plan on putting in 2 of them running on 9v batteries. Was looking at these http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10211&st=680#entry258913 but there sold out and I havent heard if hes going to make more. Would like to find something as similar as possible. Any sources or suggestions?

  3. Depends on what you like. If you're going uber accurate, they are like the ones in firelbadejedi's post, but if you just want strength and don't want to search high and lo for the perfect ones, since they wont be showing anyway, I just use Line 24 snaps. You can find them at Tandy, however I get mine off eBay. You can save a bundle getting it from there. I usually buy packs of 100-200.

    Is there a specific size snap that is best?
  4. Ive read several posts about using rare earth magnets but I havent seen anything about a recommended size or type. I was

    considering getting N52 1/2 x 1/8 which is about 8lbs of pull (I think). Didnt know if this would be too strong or if the size magnet

    was ok. I will be using these for both the helmet and armor build.

  5. Found the dimentions:

    The 1506 is 3.75x2.81x1.08

    The 1505 is 4.13x3.31x1.38


    Dosent sound too bad but when drawn out you can see a big difference. Just worried that the 1505 might be too big for under the chestplate.

    Does anyone have experience with the 1505 that can comment on that?

    Was also wondering if its worth it to go from a 10 watt to a 12 for the same size difference. Thanks.

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