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Posts posted by AbrahamLINC0LN

  1. So as of now I have the forearms, biceps, shoulders done. Vader Dave Ab buttons on chest plate. Shins curing now. Love those magnets. Snap plates on kidney top, biceps, shoulder bells, chest to back bridge with white strap. thermal detonator is done with metal clips.


    Still need to:

    Snap plate on forearms, sniper plate, thighs, chest strapping, kidney shims, crotch tabbage, Han button, thigh to Ab snaps

  2. line up the bottom edge the best you can and trim the top of the thighs to make even after that i still had to trim an inch off the top. the bottom edge has the detail you need to maintain


    From Beren's post, it looks like the front of the thighs were glued and finished and then he dealt with the back alignment. Is this correct?

    When I try to match up my thighs, it looks like the most importnt thing to consider is the front of the thigh that shows. Shouldn't the front seams have matching/opposite angled cuts?

  3. I had trouble with the thighs too. Check out my build progress at http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=18259 and let me know if this helps.


    I checked it out and retread it three times. Sadly my AP thighs have a different cut than yours it seems. Can you or anyone else offer their thoughts based on the above picture? I feel like it might be as lined up as it will get. I need confirmation, validation, or opposition to just glueing it as is.

  4. So I met with CureMode and got to talk to him about the build. I was glad to meet a fellow fan and to see his armor up close.Now I have a better understanding of test fitting and how to proceed with my build. I ordered 20 N52 magnets, and while I wait for those to come in the mail, I'm going to glue on all my inner shims and use the lil ABS squares that came with my kit to make a buttload of snap plates. My biceps can be finished if I can find the time. I'm hoping ot have my biceps, forearms, shins and thighs done this weekend. I'll put up pictures when I get that all done.

  5. I'm not sure what others have done, but to adjust the pinching elbow problem, I found it easier to adjust once the armor was assembled. You should be able to touch your ear without impingement.


    Have you tried taping the two pieces of armor together yet to confirm that your hand can fit through the small end?

    I have small hands. I know my wrist will wiggle through. I think I'm going to have to trim the top of the forearm to the first groove. I feel like when I bend my elbow, if it was to that point, i could bend my elbow completely.

  6. So I trimmed down the forearm to roughly 13 mm on each side which leaves a reasonable amount of space on each side of the cover strip. When I rest the piece on my arm and bend, it pinches a lot. How much trimming by the elbow do you suggest and what kind of trim do you suggest: shave off the top or round down the part that stabs my elbow?



  7. After a few hours of messing around with the trimmed pieces and sanding, I have a question for you experts.


    On the forearms, I have something like 20-25 mm on each inside end that I am to butt join. Do I need to trim that down more to like 8-15 mm per side? For all other arms, shins, legs, do I want to trim them all down to have the cover strip covering most of the face of where the pieces join?

  8. also note, I was sent cover strips for all parts. He even included some black elastic and black chem gloves. I probably should have asked him while trimming to round the ammo on the knee and cut the belt at 45 degree angle, but oh well, I can cut and sand those beasts down myself. I'm curious how the sniper plate will mount. Obviously, stay tuned.

  9. Well the UPS guy showed up today and a big grin shot over my face.


    Insert obligatory box pic here:



    Box opened:



    Pieces out of the box still wrapped:



    Since this armor was purchased trimmed, I am looking forward to seeing how each piece fits. Though one thing I noticed already was RETURN EDGES!!!


    my pops was holding that chest plate up


    I got a lot of stuff going on this weekend, so as much as I'd love to just disappear into nerd-vana and just get this armor built, I have to wait a few days. But rest assured, I will be unpacking the pieces and ooh-ing and ahh-ing and marvelling at the awesome shiny new armor. Props to TK-1336 for making my day.

  10. Well my armor has been shipped, expecting arrival Friday. Too bad I am busy all weekend :mellow:


    I had this kit pre-trimmed, so I am curious as to how much re-working/cutting/sanding is required. I hope he sent extra ABS cuts for cover strips. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't the excess plastic from re-sizing pieces function as a cover strip?


    How do you all like to start an armor build? Forearms --> Biceps --> Shins --> Thighs . . . .

  11. So to resume this post a little bit (still waiting on my armor and a little bored) I wanted to discuss the rig I have thought up:

    I currently use this helmet when I ride my motorcycle:


    There is a rechargeable battery pack, a mic and two stereo speakers plus a standard charging cable. In addition to that, there is that knob wheel that is glued to the helmet.

    Since that piece is glued, you can glue it anywhere on the armor. That wheel/button is also the activator for the mic and speakers and turning the whole system on or off. The battery lasts for a long time.

    Rig this up and the only real need is to hold the home button on the iPhone to activate Siri.


    * There is a jailbreak that allows you to change the name for activating and one for always on, listening for a cue word ("Lord Vader" anyone?) and then Siri activates


    So that is my suggested setup. The wires and rigging can be seen on this Amazon customer pic ----------

    Anyone like the idea / setup?

  12. In regards to Dave's Garage - that was more about just getting an understanding of what it takes to build armor. I have perused the FSID enough to know that it is far more complicated than that. That being said, while I await my armor, I have bben doing as much research as possible.


    Question 1: For ANH Stunt, there seems to be a lot of discussion of cover strips, yet I don't see it in the CRL anywhere. Are they required for EIB or above?

    Question 2: How many pieces can I / should I velcro? I love velcro and for that expensive box, I'd like to use it.

    Question 3: Return edges requirements?

    Question 4: Does the ab/cod need to be separate?

  13. I was just telling my friend about my TK build and I brought up his Vader costumer (that he complains is hot as ballz) and that he could possibly fix it up. But the apparent answer is if he is interested in taking up this hobby, he'd really just want to sell the Vader costume and start from scratch

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