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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Jeepfrog

  1. A drink for Jenny and for Keith! And everyone else who can't make it! We're gonna be totally blitzed!


    Andrea, here's a link to the Droid Hunt... http://www.501st.com/droidhunt/


    I'm STILL LOOKING for TWO MORE PEOPLE for our DROID HUNT TEAM!!! Doesn't have to be TK or female :D


    The rules state that only helmeted characters can "spot" and confront the droids (and TKs are key), but one member can be a non-helmeted "spotter" slash wrangler, to handle the raffle tickets and what-not. (I found that was hard to do in my low visibility situation.) If I have my navy trooper by then, I'll be able to do that if others want to TK, but if someone else wants to be spotter, that's fine too.


    I will do the droid hunt were do I sign up


  2. I dropped my blaster after the Disney Star Wars parade first day figured I would post up my repair since I see a lot of you are building doopy doos full resin kits


    The front sight broke off






    I use BBC prints for forward sight






    I trimmed off the rest of the sight leaving the center block just replacing the side hoops






    Little paint and back in business and it is more accurate to a real sterling






    One small note I got hold a real sterling and the small vent hole at the front of the barrel my shield is backward like most I have seen



  3. My kit came pre-trimmed. Do you know where I can get ABS of a similar quality out in a store?


    He didn't send you any trim strips? I used the widest trim strip I had


    Maybe he will send you some more for a small fee I really would only use the same ABS or it will be hard to match color


    This is what you get when you trim yourself as you can see not much you can use. I do stll have all of it if you think you can use it



  4. I checked it out and retread it three times. Sadly my AP thighs have a different cut than yours it seems. Can you or anyone else offer their thoughts based on the above picture? I feel like it might be as lined up as it will get. I need confirmation, validation, or opposition to just glueing it as is.


    line up the bottom edge the best you can and trim the top of the thighs to make even after that i still had to trim an inch off the top. the bottom edge has the detail you need to maintain

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