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Posts posted by captsafe66

  1. 1 hour ago, TheRascalKing said:


    Hey Mark! I suggested Eric reach out to you, as he wishes to use the unit name and potentially branding of a unit that already exists within canon and is currently in use by Disney/LFL for their Parks/Batuu troopers. Especially if they ever chose to create any type of merch or logos at all, this could lead to concerns from the Mouse, so your close review would be appreciated. The use of the term "Legion" by a fireteam may also be less than ideal, but I'll leave that determination to staff. I definitely want to support its creation, but the name gave me pause for concern. Best of luck!






    This will have to be changed, anything already in use by LFL/Disney won't be able to be used.  The guidelines are clear:  

    • No 501st or FISD markings or branding. Period.
    • Any active Legion member with a valid stormtrooper costume in the specified geographic area can join.
    • The Team can create a name, logo, backstory, etc. for itself (names usually contain Fire Team, though this isn't required).
    • A list of each Team (with their specific "Teams Name") with a current list their members will be kept in the Fire Team sub-forum on the Detachment website.
    • A Team must have at least 2 members to start.  Ideally Teams should be no more than 16 members in size, with an average of about 8-12 members, but a Team may have as many members as you wish. 
    • A Team member must troop at least twice per year to maintain status as a member. Two or more Team members must troop together once per year to keep the group active.

    The first line would include any LFL or Disney properties. 

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