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Posts posted by bigtrev503

  1. AAAAAH!!!!! I need help. I got hardcore flaring going on. I don't know if you can see from the pics. Keep in mind the chest to ab and crotch to butt connections aren't in yet. Just a test fit before I continue.















    What should I do? What are my options??!!


    Here's my internal setup so far:










    Belt corners before bending 





    Butt snaps. One Is glued directly to the plastic. Can you tell which one? Neither will anyone else haha. The glued one is for show








    I really need help. If I can solve this flaring thing, I can be done in the next few days!!!

  2. I had a strike of genius last night as I was obsessing over the last bits of my suit. I have seen tutorials for how to turn ordinary household items into a "secret safe."


    I found this video that is perfect for it.





    Anyone who might be interested in having what I'm calling a "butt flask" for those recreational troops. Obviously, you wanna use your common sense with this. Don't drink around little kids, but I thought it would be a fun idea. I've seen similar ideas, but this would make an airtight or watertight container. I will post pics when I do mine. Now off to find a container that fits in my TD!

  3. Right. Well, I called my girlfriend with the crotchy request and she accepted. I can't imagine what I'd do if I was single. "Mom, I need you to help me... with something." 



    Hahah anyways I got a lot more done. Here are the progress pics so far:


    Exterior left side




    Exterior right side





    Interior right side 





    Interior left side










    Been dressed like this all morning haha





    And, kind of hard to see, is the strapping I have so far. Had to take out the kidney and ab to attach the rivets and snaps. Tomorrow full test fit!






    Ok, one concern. Where does the butt plate sit on your butt? Should the top line of the butt be where the top of your pants are, or a little higher? I might have to adjust my shoulder strap a little. Hopefully not. 

  4. Here's today's progress: 


    Made plastic snap plates for shoulder bridges. Made elastic shoulder bridges





    Lined up plates for their 24 hour gluing








    Got the bells sorted (right vs left) and glued in the little strap that I will put a snap in tomorrow when its dry/cured







    Next, I think I'll install side rivets and glue in the snap plates that correspond with them. Oh and butt snaps.

  5. Progress: 


    Crotch strap changed to be fixed by the split rivet. Loose rivet no longer a problem





    Kidney corners sanded with my fancy sandpaper that just came in the mail. No need for polish:








    Next concern: I read in this thread http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/23186-my-2mm-ata-build/page-3

    that the kidney and ab/cod needs to meet up at the top of my kidney corner. Do I round the end up to meet it, or what?


    Here's mine:



  6. Here's my progress from after the knee belt yesterday.













    My concern is with this stupid split rivet. I can't get the arms to bend down all the way. It makes it loose as you can see in the pictures. Any split rivet advice?




    Also, as far as rivets goes, the ones I put in my knee didn't get as tight as I would have liked. I couldn't fit the hammmer into the small opening to get a good bang, so I tried to use pliers, but it still didn't clamp all the way down. Advice?


    Now onto making the little kidney cutouts. Wish me luck!

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