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Neo Kerberos

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Everything posted by Neo Kerberos

  1. Well, first of all, I know that SDS have a bad reputation, and I'm agree, this armor is not (as they said) an authentic replica from movie molds. That being said, I had the opportunity to obtain this armor for a reasonable price (built, without helmet), and I have catched the chance ! I have made, of course, many modifications (all is not finished yet) to wear it comfortably including the fabrication of internal harness Cutting some armor parts (especially for the legs) (before) (after) And many other little things. I have also made some accessories as the belt... (not finished on the picture) and the holster (blaster was upgraded since the picture) Some details were also added for more accuracy... My helmet is not from SDS, it's a Master Replica "stunt" where I made some modifications too : screws on each sides changement of lenses with colored celluloid sheets (red + green to obtain a brown color from the inside) (left with modified lences, right original MR) from the outside I have received my boots yesterday, now I have all the parts ^^ But of course, all is not finished ! I must reworked the termal detonator (absolutely not screen accruate!), I must also change the helmet (colour of the MR is really diffrent than SDS armour color) and the blaster (converted, but not really satisfying). Now some pictures (they were taken before I receive my boots, that's why you can't see me in entiere ^^) : And some others here : http://imageshack.us/g/717/photos2247.jpg/ Thanks to have read this post (and sorry for my very imperfect english v__v) !
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